moved her to the characters, thanks! I want Lauren to be a villian character. Hoping to be the antagonist in someone else's story. She's obviously very unlikeable, and in a way, her world view does sustain the survival of humanity, but in other ways it dooms it. I also want to make it so she isn't "insane", or mentally ill. She's just got a whacko world view. Evil people in real life most of the time aren't mentally ill, you know? Like terrorists don't have schizophrenia, they just believe they are doing the right thing, simple as that. They're wrong, but they that's what they believe and you aren't convincing them otherwise. If there's anything wrong with my CS, obviously let me know. I'm rusty. I can ditch this character if you want too but I was hoping to play an evil character to contrast some of the last hopes of humanity