[@vietmyke] Great post! I was really looking forward to seeing Galahad's response and it was worth the wait! As for the mysterious red-eyed man, I think it might be interesting if Galahad has been dreaming/envisioning some manner of powerful foe for the past decade and the vision that the Aspect showed him during Culmination was a... erm... actual culmination/amalgamation of these decade-long dreams. I just really like the idea of Galahad preparing for a hypothetical foe across the sea in his mind that'll be incredibly powerful and that's why he has an obsession with becoming the strongest mage ever. Let me know what you think! [@OppositionJ] Okay! I think after your reply we could probably have [@vietmyke] respond, followed by me placing you guys on the transport to Cero City after which we'll be done with the Lanostre portion of the prologue. :) [@shylarah] [@CollectorOfMyst] Will have the post done late this morning or tomorrow. I assume you guys are fine with me advancing time to the following morning? Also, I will have that Alexandre post for you as well, shy.