[@Stern Algorithm] Stella peeked in through the door of Legion's office. She had tried to come by once before but she just knew that someone else was already there. She definitely wanted doctor-patient confidentiality. At least, as much as one could afford in the situation she was in, being a part of a rebellion and all. Once she was sure nobody else was in the room, she quickly ducked into the office and closed the door. "So." Stella trailed off for a moment. She decided that being brief and to the point would most likely prevent any awkwardness. "Do you need an access panel, or... Um..." 'Maybe I should have paid more attention when they were briefing me on the prosthetics...' Stella thought to herself, as she tried to remember what an engineer would need to know in order to diagnose her. She quickly diverted her eyes to the ground, fidgeting a little.