Oh, right. I should do this. [@Master Bruce] [hider=Super long list, you've been warned] Canon characters used and referenced: Mary Frances Cassidy - Daniel's pre-teen sister. Asmodel - Primordial entity; former Bull Host of Heaven; third of the angels to fall; current ruler of (classical) Hell. Nebiros - [Technically not yet named, but he's the creature from the most recent post.] Ancient demon used by the various rulers of (classical) Hell as an unrelenting hound of war to hunt down and eviscerate their foes on Earth. Original characters used and referenced: Veronica Cassidy & Unnamed father - Parents of Daniel and Mary Cassidy; definitely interesting and not at all generic throwaways. [/hider] Damn, I don't know how I compiled that list so quickly. With how comprehensive it is, that took a lot out of me. Too much effort for my old bones, time to sleep.