Penelope dismounted the horse after Crow and began to help William with tying the horses up for the night. She glanced over her shoulder as Crow returned over to them to get William for his first lesson of learning the accent. [i]This outta be interest..[/i] She kept quiet as she watched the two head off to the middle of the clearing. It'd be a lie to say that she wasn't a tiny bit worried about Crow possibly stepping the line and causing William to snap on him like before. She doubt it since he seemed to have improved a little bit around the thief but it still hung in her mind. She busied herself with taking off the saddles on the horses. She kept her head slightly turned to listen to the two. Soon finishing with the beasts, she moved to place her stuff down near the edge of the clearing closest to Crow's. Her eyes widened as she heard William suddenly go off in a spew of insults to Crow, even catching her slightly off guard. She turned to look ver at the two and shook her head slightly as William moved off to check the horses. Her gaze focused on Crow as he stepped over to join her. "I noticed." Penelope chuckled, a little amused by his grin. "Well at least he's putting his hate of you towards something productive, I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and looked over at William. She wondered if they'd be able to steal anytime away from the older knight soon. The days were feeling a bit longer to her now that they were forced to find ways to sneak around him. "I'm thinking I might go on a quick scout around the area. Make sure we're alone and see if maybe there's any wild berries nearby to help us out until we reach the marketplace." Penelope mumbled to Crow as she shifted her gaze back over to him with a sly gleam in her gaze. "Of course, I wouldn't mind some company."