[hider= The Heavy Metal Fight Promoter] [center][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/180/811/large/damon-woods-jax-hero.jpg?1470719658[/img] [color=004b80][h1][b]Richter 'Rickshaw' Loefield[/b][/h1] [/color] [h3][color=gray][i]35 years old Ex-Neanderthal, currently unaffiliated Male 6'5 274 lbs [/i][/color][/h3] Richter was born without a surname. 'Loefield' came from the make of car he was found in as a child. At the South Arcadia Orphange they told him that many babies would be abandoned in old cars and they would always check them every couple of days to find children but apparently Richter was the youngest. There was a note inside the blanket he was in that said 'Richter must keep fighting'. And the assumption was that that was the name that was given to him. True enough to that letter, growing up in a tough orphanage made him a fighter indeed. By the age of 7 he was already regularly getting into street fights with those much older than him and by the time he was 15, he was known as a dangerous bruiser even among adults. As soon as he was old enough, he joined a gang, [b]the neanderthals[/b]. Richter was drawn to the group for their bleak outlook on the world and survivalist attitude regarding humans. Relying on technology was just like relying on a parent or an authority figure to a young Ritcher so the core message hit home for him. He spent most of his time with them as an enforcer, using his natural fighting ability to dominate rivals and opponents with a near perfect success rate. Sadly this life was not fufilling enough, he wanted to be challenged more as a combatant and he wanted to know more about combat of the body. While still techically a member of the Neanderthals Richter started moonlighting as a kickboxing coach called 'Rickshaw' and eventually began promoting fights in the biggest underground clubs this side of mars. His gang was dissapointed but they left him be until he started promoting cyborg fights. The problem was that the market was geared towards fighters with cybernetics fighting as they had more longetivity in the ring and their enhanced physicality meant for more 'epic' showdowns. It was inevitible that Richter was going to get involved with that side being in the scene. Once they found out about his work promoting and training cybernetic enhanced fighters, they turned on their former enforcer, with an attempted assasination with a car bomb. Somehow Rickshaw survived the explosion but with his body almost destroyed. Luckily some of the gym staff were able to get him to a ripper doc and save his life with cybernetics. Now with a mostly mechanical body that his heart struggles to support Richter still promotes fights but stays out of conflict as much as possible, keeping his entire life lowkey and off the radar of his former gang. [/center] [/hider]