[hr] [hr] [center][color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revelations:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI7dshMD3is]Music[/url][hr] [hr] The rush of air almost knocked her from her feet, straightening herself up she saw as something running [i]fast[/i] collided with Eobard Thawne. Glass all around shattered, car alarms blared as the very street shook with the Forc eof the two entities colliding. Blue lightning flared all around, it arced out from it's source. Jumping to anything that could conduct the electrical current, burning the sides of buildings and setting anything possibly flamable on fire. Iris chased after the two figures, a trail of destruction led through the city. A trail she followed until eventually, she caught up to the swirling vortex if red, blue and yellow. A storm occupying the street outside of Star Labs, people ran away in panic and fear. Iris couldn't take the time to clear the street, she could already feel herself slowing. Her body failing her as the heavy toll started to catch up to her. It was like she was in a race with herself, something chasing her dragging her down. There was an explosion as Zoom and the man he was fighting were both sent backwards away from eachother. The colour drained from her face as she ran over to the man he was fighting. "Barry?" He looked up at her, tired, but still with a coy grin on his face. "Well I guess my Dad got what he wanted afterall." Iris could have punched him in his stupid little face. He raised his hand up and placed it on her cheek, she leaned into it. "Iris. I'm sorry for all of this, it's all my fault-" "Barry I-" He placed a finger over her mouth to silence her. "I should have known earlier, and I'm sorry." He leaned up and planted a kiss on her cheek before looking past her, Zoom stood there. She turned and stood, her leg giving way, collapsing to her knees as Barry stood beside her. "Now I have just too many choices. I can either go for the [i]true[/i] Flash, a fight I've experienced so many times or deal with his future wife. That's right Barry, Iris. Congratulations." He shrugged. "Well, that's not entirely true." He turned to face Iris. "While I would love to be your father in law, I have to admit the prospect of actually managing to kill a Flash is an opportunity far too enticing to pass up. So I'm afraid I'm just going to have to deal with-" Before he could even finish the sentence there was a flash of blue as Barry screamed running straight at his father, Iris tried to reach for his hand to stop him but she was too slow. Her hand brushing his as a spark of electricity coursed through her from him. Images passed through her head. [hider][center][img]https://assets.bigcartel.com/product_images/167835580/flash-top.jpg?auto=format&fit=max&w=1120[/img][/center][/hider] A image of a man in red saving her, saving the city time and time again. A man that filled her with hope, the Flash. Barry Allen, her Barry. She tried to stand to make chase as the two Allens, enemies in this timeline and others clashing. Booms echoing throughout the street cracking glass that had managed to survive the initial onslaught. She attempted to start crawling towards the two speedsters as their energy interlaced and interacted, arcing throughout the street. Fear rushing through her as the fight went on, the two of them were moving so fast that she struggled to see what was going on. She didn't know if it was due to fatigue or the raw speed at which the two fought one another, until fear struck her very being, Barry was pushed away out of the fight. Henry turned to face her, a evil grin on his face. He came towards her, every step seemed malicious from where she was standing. The intent in his eyes was clear. She saw him continue towards her, until he was stood within a metre of her. She closed her eyes as he raised his hand, it started to shake and go semi-transluscent. Iris knew what was coming, he was going to stick his hand into her chest and tear up her heart. Just like had had promised to, what seemed like years ago. Something warm and wet splashed onto her face and she opened her eyes in confusion, then shock as she saw Thawne stand onfront of her, hand raised yet a look of shock plastered on his face as a hand stuck out of his chest. The hand was red, coated in blood and as Thawne fell, the hand retracting from his chest it turned out that Barry was the owner of said hand. Gasping, coughing and choking on blood Thawne tried to speak. Blood poured out of his mouth and down his chin as he finally managed to gurgle out the words. "I'm proud of you, [i]son.[/i]" AS he said the word his head fell back, lifeless. Iris pulled herself up, intent on making her way over to Barry. His face cold, stoic and yet while he appeared to be simply mulling things over there was a distance too him that didn't seem quite right. "Barry." "BARRY!" He turned to her, and smiled. The smile did little to dissuade her from the feeling that something was wrong, he reached out for her hand as she pulled herself up as much as physically possible. As her hand reached for his, it passed straight through. Fear rushed through her. His mouth moved, but no words made it to her ears as he turned to dust before her very eyes.