Midnight could only watch the arrows fall and futilely try and trace them back to their point of origin but it was proving impossible. No figure presented themselves from the windows to fire into the street and worse still, the arrows rained from the sky rather than directly aiming meaning the archer in question was firing nigh blind in a tall arc from behind cover of the buildings. From his current vantage point, it was impossible to trace them back from their free fall. Worse still, Dieselpunk had no fuel. Her movements were sluggish compared to what he had seen when she last used her quirk. It was unsettling to think of but in what passed for Midnights heart he knew she would not be of any use without help. Help he could not provide. [i]Gotta be a way! If I can't find the shooter..[/i] Looking at his gloved hand he thought of the many lessons he had learned in his years. Idle questions and a hunger for knowledge of any kind that could inspire something new in him. At one point that had been the creation of a far more refined version of his tar. Like crude oil in a sense, it could be further watered down to spread like a proper liquid but lost a tremendous amount of explosive force. It also required far more of his own mass for just a few liters of it. The thought of using his own power as something of a gasoline substitute never occured to him. Till now. The exoskeleton suit he had on was equipped with a built in earpiece, so gettinf a message out wasn't a problem. Touching the right side of his metal helmet his voice was transmitted wirelessly to Punks sister device. "Do you trust me, Diesel?" His right hand was boiling and bubbling even as he spoke, the volatile brew of bis tar further heating, his own metal appendages were quickly tossed aside in favor of access. In just a few moments the concentrated liquid was pooling inside of him, held in his form begging for a release. His own mass had already shrank by nrarly a quarter as it violently expended energy for the watery sunstance to form. "Meet me at the lower floors" With that, he hit the stairs and merely fell the many floors to ground level. Diesel needed a power up and if they were lucky, she would get it. [@Stern Algorithm]