God, she was late. Parveen was trying to peel her nephew off her arm frantically. "Gramma, I'm late, please come get Sunny!" She called up the stairs of the house, picking up her car keys with the arm that didn't have a two year old clinging to it. "Sunny, you're supposed to get off!" She wailed, before her grandmother came down the stairs and lifted the young boy away with a small chuckle, enticing him towards the living room with the promise of a game. And with that, Parveen was out the door, hopping in to the car and heading for the centre of town. She swore quietly as she noticed a stain on her shirt, a smudge of Sunil's lunch interrupted the yellow-on-green pattern of her t-shirt, but it was too late to do anything about it. Instead, she turned up the music in the car until the bass was thrumming in her bones. She pulled the car around, parking up beside a motorcycle before going to the boot to get her gear out. She grabbed the guitar out, the battered flight case covered in stickers from her college days, and her laptop bag went over her shoulder before looking towards Marcus, her bosses' son. He was on the groubd, bright red, with a girl on rollerskates by him. Thank God Parveen had never been much of a sporty one, she was always too clumsy for that kind of thing. "You okay down there?" She asked, striding towards them and offering her spare hand out to help them up off the ground. "I'm guessing that's not quite the first impression we were going for?" She teased gently, a smile crinkling her face pleasantly.