[@Remipa Awesome] Okay, round 2, let's stream line a bit more. Location: Don't need to know why he is there - just the city and state Occupation: Just put Scrapyard/National Guard (Rank) Build: Wiry (That will cover bony but small amount of muscles that can be seen) Hair: Dark Brown/Shoulder Length (I don't need why it is longer) Skin Tone: Extremely pale (Again, don't need why) Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Hands: Burn & Cut Scars/Bruises Gunshot Scar: (Where) Other Scars: (Where) Character Quote: Need this in the color code and the quotes not to be. Makes it confusing. Post link - Place under anything else in the CS itself. Remember, your history is where you tell why things are the way they are. Everything else is just our quick reference. You only place out there as much as needed - the rest gets revealed in IC. (Give people as little as possible to metagame. ^_~)