Fear left the others, unsure of how exactly he would convince his troops to go on what would seem to be a suicide mission. They had already lost many trying to reach the demon in his cave. Luckily the answer came to him in the form of Morthos running up and asking what had happened while he was talking to his people. Fear quickly went over what the plan was and asked Morthos if he would assist in rallying the troops. Morthos agreed and they made their way to the barracks. Fear didn't need to do much as Morthos gave them all a rousing speech about how this battle would be different, how this time they would save lady Rieta. The main selling point seemed to be as soon as Lady Rieta was back that meant Lord Damakos would be getting the boot. Within the hour they had all gathered at the east gate, prepared to march out. Yam had also gathered a handful of her best spellcasters. Morthos met back up with his friends before they split in to the horde clearing team and the team that would initially enter the cave to try and find Morthos' mom. [color=red]"Thank you guys for doing this for me, now let's go kick some demon ass."[/color]