[center][h3]Tautom Docks[/h3][/center] The roads were streaked with anxious and confused citizenry, high born merchants and lowly plebs all looked with wide eyes towards the Amalian Quarter, the sector where even now the busiest streets could hear the screams of dying men, the roars of a victor, and the unmistakable sound of metal on metal. Quintus ignored all of them. Sat on top of his horse, the sound of heavy hoofbeats on the stone cobbles beneath him became a steady rhythm as the images of panic and fear blurred past him. Whorehouses emptied with half naked patrons gripping their clothes, running to whatever safety they could dream up, oiled strongmen and buskers, their public business interrupted by the growing screams from the south of the city began to run. The images sickened him, but soon, he’d be rid of it. Gripping his reigns tight, he made his way through the plaza were not days earlier his daughter had been married to the King’s son, Prince Zeno. Already, the young princeling was beloved by many of the lowborns and plebs, Quintus had made sure of it, with both bribery and threats, and now, with Vetericus beginning the attack from Quintus’ own quarter, he was betting on it. Finally, a wall of thick salty air washed over Quintus as his horse rode under the great arches that led into Tautom harbour. The harbour hadn’t broken into the same panic as the rest of the city. Cramped wooden houses and colossal warehouses lined the edges of the harbour, settled against the curtain wall that sectioned off the rich merchant vessels from the plebs, some old and rotting, rented to the crusty fishermen, while rich, grand mansions housed what used to be great trading companies, now twisted into brothels and other inns of debauchery for travellers. In front of the buildings stretched a large open open cobbled floor before it dropped away into the ocean itself. At both ends of the harbour, great walls and walkways stretched around, each wall ended with a great tower, connected by an imposing sea chain, to form a protective circle for the ships inside. Nothing could enter or leave while that sea chain was raised, and that is exactly what Quintus was here for. Nothing was to escape or reinforce the city, he would make sure Tautom’s conquest was total. But he wasn’t alone. In the center of the docks, stood five hundred soldiers in formation, headed by his right hand man, Arminius. Arriving in front of the men, he quickly dismounted the horse, handing the reins to a younger soldier as he turned to the officer. “I’m sure you’ve heard by now.” [i]“I have sir. The men are… Anxious. We’ve done what we can, their loyalty is assured. But I can’t speak for their nerves.”[/i] Quintus looked over the soldiers nearby. In the past months, he had gotten his hands on the best equipment, weapons and shields for his troops in Amalian fashion, reminding them of the duty to their homeland, removing any discontent from the ranks. Now before him, stood roughly five hundred men, a full cohort, nearly every soldier wore Lamellar Mail, Scale Mail or something similar, each of them loyal to Amalia and by default, him. Quintus furrowed his brow. He wasn’t sure about the last one. Steel could be strong. Blades sharp. But the loyalty of a human mind changed faster than metal rusted and dulled. He nodded to Arminius and turned back to the horse, pushing himself up into the saddle. Swinging his leg over to the other side, he noticed civilians beginning to watch the scene unfold, feeling safe in the presence of armed men. He spat on the floor, clearing his throat as he spurred his horse forward. Looking out over the soldiers, he spotted many grim set faces, and felt a wash of relief, many of his soldiers were veterans as it was, they knew a battle was coming, but as he looked, he saw the unmistakable wide eyed fear in several others. They would be harder to win over. Sucking in a sharp breath, he began to talk. [i]“Soldiers of the Second, men of Amalia! You stand here before me, ready for battle. Ready for a fight! Ready to kill! You have been organised here, alone, five hundred souls, for one task alone!”[/i] Quintus kept his voice loud and booming, he knew if he faltered even once, he could ruin the resolve of these men, and they could lose their lives as a result. Lifting his arm, he gestured back towards the Amalian quarter before continuing. [i]“Right now, across the city, the Chlotar forces have broken the walls of Tautom. They stream in by the thousands. They slaughter any armed individual they find, and they push in deeper by the minute!”[/i] He turned back to the men, many of whom he knew would be expecting to face the Chlotars shortly. [i]“But not our walls. Not our city. This is not our home! Our home was ripped from us by those faithless, Lampert [b]dogs[/b], who slaughtered your families and broke our [b]BACKS[/b]!”[/i] He paused for breath. [i]“But never our hearts! For here we are! Stronger than ever! Unyielding and unbroken in defiance of our oppressors! In defiance of the world that sought repeatedly to bring us down! You have been chosen, each of you, because you are Amalia’s finest! Because today, we take the first step in retaking our homeland. To fight back at those that have tried to turn us into nothing more than disillusioned peasants.The Chlotars right now, are being joined by Amalians as they fight through the city! We are no fools, the Chlotars and we share a common enemy! The only difference is, our “King” wants his best soldiers half deep in their cups living a life of [b]FILTH[/b] before we fade into nothing! The same “King” who forces us to live off [b]SCRAPS[/b]! The same “King” who now sits in his castle, sending his men to die, surrounded by oiled circus acts, quivering in fear.”[/i] He waited. He watched. Some men looked excited as they realised what was happening. Some fearful, and others confused. But he still had one secret weapon. [i]“Today. We take the first step to retake our homeland. Are you satisfied living in squalor?!”[/i] There was a pause. Some mumbling from the soldiers before an officer at the back screamed loudly [i]“NO!”[/i] joined by the veterans around him. Quintus continued [i]“Are you satisfied having to debase yourselves day in day out!?”[/i] This time the response was more solid [b][i]“NO!”[/i][/b]. [i]“Are you satisfied with a king who means for us to waste away, as he enjoys a debauched life of unrepentant luxury?”[/i] [i]“NO!”[/i] [i]“Then your duty is clear! And I will give a years pay to the man who brings me a Tautom Officer’s crest when this day is done!”[/i] The prospect of money. There was a sudden cheer from the men at that, many raised their weapons at that promise. The civilians who were watching began to react, some began to run, while others turned their heads towards the high domes of the Balti palace. Were the things he’d said so wrong? Quintus rode his horse back to Arminius, who looked up towards him expectantly, donning his helmet. [i]“Arminus, get one squad to each harbour tower, I want that chain secured and kept high. Nothing in, or out. If things start to look bad, the men are to damage the gears so it [b]stays[/b] up. One squad to each of the gatehouses in case someone tries to outflank us, they’re to lock it down and wait for reinforcements if anyone tries. I’ll take the main bulk to the harbour to the main entrance and form them up. Arminius, you take two squads, set one to start sabotaging the boats in the harbour, and I want you personally to find the Celeasean Fire storage, secure it and… ‘coerce’ the alchemist to work with us. Do you understand?”.[/i] Arminius finishes tying his chin strap up and nods to Quintus, [i]“Yes sir. Oh… What if it all goes to shit?”[/i] Quintus looked over to the men who had all begun drawing weapons and strapping shields to their arms as the cohorts officers had begun walking up and down barking orders, drawing his own as he bit his tongue. [i]“Then Arminius. We’re all fucked.”.[/i] In under ten minutes, the main entrance to the harbour had been secured by around four hundred soldiers in a strict shield formation, any city guard who were around had been dragged out of sight and discreetly butchered so word wouldn’t spread about the Amalian treachery. Civilians had either locked themselves in their homes, or had even grabbed old swords or spears and tried to help the soldiers. Back inside the docks, ships were beginning to list as the sabotage team went to work, and beyond that, the great sea chain slowly began to rise from the waves. Quintus watched it all with apprehension, knowing that once Arminius had secured the Celesean Fire, any resistance inside the city could simply be burned into ash. He offered a silent prayer it would come to that. He’d always hated this city.