[center][h1]Nero Capital City[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3pOmp-NbHQ[/youtube][/center] "Tch.." His lips sucked in air and spat like a vile taste had passed between his prestigious lips which have only graced the meals of the finest chefs Nero had to offer. Indeed a bad taste was more than just bad to a King. It was a symbol of his Kingdom. As he watched with distaste his appointed soldiers remained unmoved around his front. His arms crossed he tapped his foot impatiently. Finely he raised his hand in a waving gesture. "Disappointing... I will have to see to the training of the new legion.. And have the ones who trained these current weaklings before me be put to rest." He was met with a Nero noble. His royal attire was adorned with what appeared as superfluous flower decorations. Large red and pink roses and ebony skin with glowing yellow eyes. He calmly bowed. "Certainly sire and should I have the families of the fallen be notified?" He asked with a sober smile. Sleeth sighed. "It cannot be avoided..." Sleeth uncrossed his arms and stepped forward. "Don't disappoint me. I'm going to go have some fun now." Sleeth looked up defiantly at the roaring dragon who so arrogantly tore through his city. Long ago the previous kings and queens of this place had slain Basilisks and beasts of terrible power. Mounting their heads upon the walls of the castle. Sleeth smirked as he thought of the location this dragon's head would be placed. He could sense its souls essence seeped in absolute chaos and vigorous eternity within. Sleeth brought his right hand forward and then waved it to his right. His soldiers vanished into their owns shadows like wells of oil. "Is my weapon ready?" Sleeth asked while watching the Dragon feed on the essence of his soldiers. The man behind him bowed once more before speaking. "Yes your highness." [hider=Black Dragon Knight][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6488/112778c347a41f500f680bf12954c588a6533f87_00.jpg[/img][/hider] Emerging from a dark portal that opened before the consuming titan was a single figure. He stood midair before the giant dragon. This armored knights wings kept him afloat the air. Yet a solid footing of darkness was beneath his boots. His eye pierced the darkness as a red glare. A famous knight in the ranks of the King of Neros army, yet also a previous member of the Sureiya. He was known for slaying Basilisks with ease and clearing many of the most dangerous areas of Nero for the King. For his great prowess he has been chosen to be a special elite soldier for the King. "You dare desecrate the home of the people of Nero and its King! On my honor I will destroy you vile dragon!" [hider=Nobu The Silent][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c6/c2/54/c6c25450a0d228d4920bd38ddbc944b2.jpg[/img][/hider] Somewhere Nobu made his appearance. He was invisible to all senses. He made sure to have his aura stifled, even his armor and weapons brimmed with enchantments remained transparent and soundless. It was only a matter of time for him. But he was slowly sapping the Dragon's essence with his two enchanted weapons and a draining spell of his own to draw it into them. It was a covert spell. Meant to sap the foe of their power without them even realizing. Though the well of power was great within this beast it only fed Nobu's weapons more. However the more they drank the harder it was to retain their invisibility. [hider=Ignius Ofleo][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/639983e1bd39d77d96f35df450327969/tumblr_nc068enM2l1tjrwu3o2_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] "He wants it all to himself. I suppose a dragon got him fired up..." Ignius spoke whilst watching the knight from below. "I think first..." He grasped the handle of his blade. His aura spiked for the dragon to notice. A fat juicy soul for him to eat Ignius thought. A proper distraction, and if not what he was going to do next would be. He released his blade, and re-sheathed it in half a second. "Lets clip a wing." Darkness was released in a thin narrow line aimed to the beast's wings. It expanded. Darkness was within and orchid lightning roared within. The lightning bolts continuously broke out from the half a mile long and forty foot wide portal over the Dragon's wings. [hider=Twilight Mage][img]https://static.tumblr.com/410097c0e44a1ad3e2b735c729ec773e/lt1n441/O2jnq9kwb/tumblr_static_5rusn4ccbj8kwwg0084c4o8ow_640_v2.jpg[/img][/hider] The twilight knights were known to protect the outer lands of Vrondi and Nero. Yet one was not a typical knight nor was he solely within their ranks. He was a sorcerer who mastered his seraphim and nayu blood to bring forth the essence of twilight. He had reinforced the barrier around the battle. It was now covered in black with white shining particles like the night's sky. He stood above it. Standing over its surface. A staff in hand with a red glowing sphere. The liquid inside the sphere was crimson and floated in small bubbles of red as if gravity was no longer there. [hider=Scythe of the Dragon God][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/4547/304088-scythe_4.jpg[/img][/hider] Finally the King lowered his hand to the ground. A dark portal opened beneath his palm and he plunged it within. Pulling from it a long handle and finally a scythe. He held its weight with his right hand. He brought it before him admiring its blade. "Been a while since I've needed to use this.." He looked up to the Dragon with a fanged smile. "Lets begin..." He vanished. Not from dark illusions, not through a portal, but with sheer speed. His body a blur as he hurtled himself towards the Dragon. Despite how small the King was in comparison his aura flared higher than all the newcomers before the Dragon. As if his own souls well was nearly endless. With a cloud of mist escaping his lips Sleeth exhaled, relaxing. Time seemed to stop as he came only a few feet from the Dragon's massive neck. A spiral of sound moving him in high speeds and darkness coating his outer being. Protecting him from the pressure of being near this Dragon. "World Separation." With those words he swung his scythe. A concentrated power was unleashed that was as thin as the blade's edge. Yet its power was legendary. Many said the power of the King of Nero's cut could split the world in two. But it was known by few that the truth was... His ability came incredibly close... [@Guy0fV4lor]