Update one: -basis of RP finished, but missing CS, and slight refinement required -Started lore -Rules completed Attachments: [hider=The main topic lore summary] The Game. The Game is what a long dead powerful entity made in order to find the next World Watcher, which basically this entity's mere presence deters monsters and demons from attempting to destroy or conquer our world. The first World Watcher made an entirely separate dimension to host the game and made sure the contestants would be able to truly be tested and the champion survive. The world is a dark interpretation of our on current one, and the beings that roam there are dangerous and frightful. The entire world is separated into ten kingdoms, each controlled by one of the "bosses" of them. Modern gamers can think of this as the ten levels of the game. The competitors each come from the elite players of different games we play today. [/hider]