Penelope gave a soft laugh at his words and rolled her eyes. "Right." she said with amusement before he took her hand and began to lead them further through the forest. She followed after him with a smile on her face, glad they were able to get away yet again. All their attempts had been successful so far but she wondered if they'd be able to keep making excuses and finding time. It was risky to use her watch as a way to sneak time together so she hoped they wouldn't be forced to rely on that. Crow's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked up at him to catch his mischievous look. "Guess we'll have to." She grinned in return, pressing against him as he slid his arms around her. She closed her eyes as their lips met, forgetting any future worries for the time being. As she laid on top of him, she trailed one hand lightly over his shoulder and down part of his arm. She smiled blissfully as he kissed along her jawline. Her heart fluttered at his words and she leaned down to put her mouth near his ear. "We're both lucky." she murmured affectionately. Moving down from his ear, she began to place kisses along his neck. She exhaled contentedly against his skin, enjoying their closeness. Penelope pulled back to brush back a couple loose strands of her hair and looked down at him. She gave her head a small shake as a smile spread over her lips. "I still can't believe this happened. That we happened." She told him before leaning back down to kiss him.