Penelope closed her eyes as they kissed again and was beginning to move her hands towards the hem of his tunic when William's voice suddenly rung out. She paled as she looked past Crow to see the older knight with a furious expression. Her mind scrambled to take in the situation and figure a way out of it, so much so that she barely even realized that Crow had gotten off of her. [i]This isn't good... Why is he even here![/i] The knight panicked slightly as she hurried to get up to her feet as she noticed William threw a punch at Crow. As he readied for a second swing, the female knight rushed over and grabbed her comrade's wrist before he could strike again. "William, stop!" She snapped at him. He looked over at her, confusion seeping into his outraged expression. "Why are you doing this? He was try to-" He began to growl. "No he wasn't!" Penelope said quickly, guessing that William assumed Crow was trying to take advantage of her. She let go of his wrist and moved to put herself in between him and Crow, still worried that the truth wouldn't trigger a much better reaction from the older knight. "What?" William snarled. His anger didn't waver as he began to piece together what was actually going on. "Penelope you can't be seriously telling me you're with-with [i]him[/i]!" "William, just calm down for second and we can-" "Calm down?! How can I calm down when you're out here fraternizing with this scumbag! For the love of the gods, you're a knight of Brerra!" Penelope shot at glare at William as he insulted Crow, feeling a bit defensive. Now that they had been caught, there was no sense in trying to cover up her feelings. She considered telling William it was nothing more than a fling or coming up with some other lie but she doubted the knight would believe her since had been around her long enough to find it strange that she just suddenly decided to do such a thing. [i]Either way he's not going to approve... And I won't even be a knight for much longer anyways.[/i] Penelope thought to herself, gaining a bit of confidence as she met William's gaze. "Look I don't care what you or even the rest of Brerra thinks," She snorted defiantly. "Calm down and maybe we can reach an understanding here." Her words made the angry knight fall silent as he sent an icy glare at Penelope. He seemed to think something over before gaze shifted over to Crow and he curled his lip slightly. "You. Get back to camp. I'll deal with you later." He commanded dangerously before he met Penelope's gaze. "I want to discuss this situation with you privately, Penelope."