"Oh, well, I have to assume they are." Rukeewei answered, showing at least somewhat less nervousness. "You never really know if children are telling you the whole story, but I think they are fitting in now. It's not as bad as it probably would be if we weren't in a big city. They aren't the only non-Argonians. And it's not as expensive as it could be. The An-Xileel funds part of it in the city, for their own reasons, no doubt. Still, they are able to learn more than I would be able to teach them." Rukeewei placed his hand lightly on Ariel's. "I think you would be smart enough to teach them just as much, dear." He smiled, looking back towards Karl. "But there would hardly be time, with how much she needs to put into her store." "Had I known what I was missing as a hatchling, I might have tried to run away to a city." Meesei chuckled. My education in a remote Argonian village was strictly limited to magic, the history of the clan, and some scattered Argonian folklore. Everything I know about the world, and other worlds, I had to learn on my own later in life. Aside from some books, I suppose, though few written in Jel actually pertained to the world outside Black Marsh."