[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/42cb8aae909e82218c5d485516ecd481.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/ef1b4e6d7d87790d6cb02d074294893b.png[/img] [img]https://assets-auto.rbl.ms/5661e543e2ce0f7592035f2ff43edd287c0347cc7c63ed2e4b5fad953ec5c993[/img][/center] [center][i][@Damo021][@FantasyChic][@rivaan][@Morose][@BlueSky44][@Natsu][@Jasonhero] [/i][/center][hr][hr] [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Saturday, August 18th, 2018 New York City, New York[/I][/color] [@rivaan] He nodded as he started to dig into his food as well and leaned back in his seat as he started to listen to the radio and then turned to look over at Claire for a moment. "So what do you do while not on patrol?" He asked shifting slightly in his seat and started to eat some of the french-fries that were there and continued to eat at his burger. That's when the radio started to pick up from dispatch, he looked towards Claire for a moment as the dispatcher spoke. "We have a 10-15 Civil Disturbance anyone copy?" The voice on the other end was male, Claire happened to be the closest one there for the call. [@FantasyChic] Quinn would get a reply from Olivia, the person on the register nodded and went off to go and put in Quinn's order which didn't take any longer than about five minutes. And she would be able to get her food with no problem, when Quinn searched through the information she would be able to get the number that the widow's husband was talking to. It could be a fairly good lead to get some information. Then Quinn would find herself in the room of Jason and Janelle as well while they were talking with Trevor in the room, hearing a bit of the conversation. [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Saturday, August 18th, 2018 Seattle, Washington[/I][/color] [@Morose] The officers looked between one another for a moment, before looking over towards Scott. "Thank you." The younger cop said as they walked inside and then looked around Scott's apartment before the female officer started to speak up. "We wont take much longer, okay so after the man vomited over you what happened next did you go home, remain at the bar?" She asked closing the door behind them, figuring that they would need a little bit of privacy as well while they spoke to each other. Scott would then end up seeing Olivia standing in the kitchen, looking a little bit confused. [@BlueSky44] Trevor remained just outside of the door, figuring that they wouldn't let him in just yet as he shifted slightly where he stood. "I'm a geneticist, it may sound weird, but have you ever become very ill all of a sudden and then experience strange abilities at all?" He asked, in the corner of Jason's eye he would be able to see Quinn in the room with them. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Olivia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82kymS22v1qhsmbwo1_250.gif[/img] [I]Location: New York City Interacting With: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [quote][color=lightgreen][I]To Quinn: Alright then just let me know whenever you want me to swing by or where you would like to meet up."[/I][/color][/quote] Olivia hit send on her phone as she drove back towards her apartment, as she continued to listen to some music she ran a hand through her hair. Eventually she got back to her apartment rather easily and started to grab all of her groceries that she had bought turning up and walked into her apartment building. She started to get her keys and then entered her apartment, as she started to unload all of her things into the fridge and other cabinets Olivia started to feel a bit weird again. Then she found herself in another person's apartment as she eyed two police officers, as they were speaking to Scott she looked confused but it wasn't her first rodeo either having her first visit with Claire which wasn't all to bad in her opinion. She walked around slightly in the kitchen while occasionally looking over at Scott and then the officers that were there. [hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c5953ec1f0b1c08769c57ea592afb7ca/tumblr_o9dq904Wfj1von8z1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: LA Interacting With: [@rivaan] Amelia Payne & [@Jasonhero] Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley smiled towards Kuin for a moment before looking over towards Amelia. "This is my friend Fumiko, we performed together a few times." Riley introduced her letting Kuin in and then motioned for her to enter and turned back towards Amelia, feeling bad a little bit for having it suddenly being sprung up on her. [color=cyan]"But yeah she's cool Amelia you will like her."[/color] She said before going back and quickly started to finish eating her breakfast. [color=cyan]"Give me a second i'll get you set up in the other guest room."[/color] Riley took Kuin's bag for her and started to head over to the next empty room that was across from Amelia's before coming back. [color=cyan]"Oh and almost forgot that this is my roommate Amelia we met a few days ago, and offered her to stay here."[/color] She said sighing slightly. [color=cyan]"So did you have any plans today Amelia?"[/color] Riley asked looking over towards her friend and roommate. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Emmie Adams[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cdqgkEz.gif[/img] [I]Location: New York City, New York Interacting With: [@Natsu] Adalene Jones[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=lightblue]"I wouldn't mind going with you, that's if you don't mind having me around that is."[/color] Emmie said as she watched her take out a planner and then putting it away. She shifted slightly as she watched Adalene grab some toast, and then ran a hand through her hair slightly and leaned forward. [color=lightblue]"I wouldn't mind going to the tire yard either if you want to go tonight."[/color] Emmie then smirked slightly when she mentioned using her powers to make some toast. [color=lightblue]"Yeah wouldn't be a very good idea, you'd burn the whole place down by simply trying to make toast."[/color] She said jokingly as she walked over towards the door and started to put on her shoes looking over at Adalene. [color=lightblue]"I'm ready to go whenever you are."[/color] She said smiling a little bit she did think about snatching some things while no one looked but didn't want to get her into trouble either.