Penelope melted into his arms as he embraced her. She closed her eyes tightly as he kissed her. She was about to press deeper into the kiss when he pulled way. The knight shifted her gaze away at his question and let out a soft sigh. "I'm alright." she assured him, meeting his gaze once again. She let out a soft exhale and leaned her head against his chest. She paused as she thought about how to answer his second question. She wanted to leave out certain details, mainly because she didn't want to admit to him that William had shaken her slightly. However, she didn't want to lie to him. The knight was worried that if she explained everything he'd think that she actually doubted him and she didn't want that. "He probably said everything you would expect him to. All the 'he's a criminal and you're disgracing everyone'. Oh and of course he made sure to try and convince me that you're just using me for some reason." Penelope explained to him. She shifted slightly in his arms. "And he brought up my family too of course." Penelope pressed closer to Crow and frowned a little. "We certainly didn't reach any understanding though.. He's still pissed." She mumbled. Knowing things would get more difficult once William returned, she leaned in to press a passionate kiss to his lips. It helped spark a bit more determination in her to take on whatever William threw at them. As long as they could avoid an actual fight, Penelope regained confidence that they'd be able to handle this new situation. She pulled back and gave Crow a small smile. "I think that's enough." William snapped as he stepped back into the clearing. Penelope glanced over her shoulder to see the older knight still fuming with anger as he glared over at them. She paused, seeming to debate moving, before she finally took a very small step back from Crow.