[center][color=black][b][u]12:02 AM; January 23rd, 2026 Warehouse District; Gotham City, New Jersey[/u] [i]'You ever have one of those days where one minute you're sitting there eating a Big Bonus Burger and then the next you're in the middle of a gunfight? No, just me? Alright.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=2E2C2C]"This is where his personalities started to merge, isn't it? Interesting to have an insight into their top agent's psychology..."[/color][/center]The first thing he knew when he took back control of his body, David was just ducking out of the way of a punch aimed at his throat. Reacting quickly, he fired the pistol he didn't even know he had in his hand, nailing the man in the chest and stumbling backwards onto the ground in the process. He was in full costume, had [url=https://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/prodimages/39469-DEFAULT-l.jpg]a gun[/url] in his hand, and was in a warehouse surrounded by large crates and machinery. Instinctively, he rolled into cover, that being a forklift. Bullets struck the side of the machine, and he caught his breath while trying to figure out his next move... But really, there was only one thing he could think at that time. [color=black][b]"What the [i]fuck[/i] did I get into now?"[/b][/color] He wasn't too sure. All he knew was that he had gone from having lunch to fighting for his life against a dozen guys or so. Considering his plan for tonight was to head to a bar to let off some steam, it was safe to say that getting into a gunfight against some goons wasn't on the agenda. David knew exactly who he could blame for it. [color=black][b][i]'Hood! What did you do?!'[/i][/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Relax Dave, I was just having some fun.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black][b][i]'What, and [u]this[/u] is your idea of- You know what, I already know the answer to that.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Come on, Dave, these guys are just two-bit thugs with nothing between the ears.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black][b][i]'Sounds like someone I'm sharing a head with.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Oh, that was a low blow, even for you. Now do me a favor and go kill some guys, it's not like you're getting out of this without using that kickass gun I found.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black][b][i]'Hood, we can't just go around killing everyone who gets in our way.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Dave, these guys are trying to kill us. Now stop being a pussy and show them who's boss.'[/i][/b][/color] Hood... Had a point, as much as Dave hated to admit it. Maybe he'd have to kill some of them to make it out of this. He just had to think his way through this. A full frontal assault would be suicide, but there was no other... It hit him: the lights. He could take out the lights and plunge the room into darkness. That would allow him to sneak around and take them out one by one. Nodding to himself, David took a deep breath. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he peeked out of his cover, firing off a few rounds at the lights. [center][i][url=https://youtu.be/Lhv_yFMuwxs?t=127](Recommended Listening)[/url][/i][/center] David let out his breath as he ducked back into cover, and the room went from relatively well-lit to damn near pitch black. He could hardly see what was around him, but before he pulled that stunt he had noticed a pipe behind him which went up to the ceiling and across to the other side. He could climb it and jump down onto a thug to take him out. That didn't say anything for the other nine, though. Deciding to say fuck it, David holstered his pistol and jumped onto the pipe, climbing up to the ceiling and pulling himself along it, high above the criminals. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, allowing him to see the outlines of the criminals below him. Taking in a deep breath, he dropped down onto one of the men, grabbing onto the man's head and slamming it into the concrete ground. [color=black][b]"Ouch. You're gonna be feeling that in the morning, pal,"[/b][/color] David whispered under his breath. Three right in front of him, two on both sides, and three behind him. He was in near complete darkness surrounded by them. My, wasn't this familiar. He had to fight back a smile at the memory, before shaking it off to continue. God, he really should've gotten that grappling hook; would be useful to zip right back up to that pipe. Oh well, he could make due on the ground. David jumped up onto a table to his right, delivering a kick to one of the thugs' heads. The thug went out like a light, and David ducked as he landed on the ground before delivering an uppercut to the groin of the other thug on that side. With the two of them dispatched so quickly, David struggled to keep his excitement contained. [color=black][b]"Ohhh, fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah. I bet that looked awesome,"[/b][/color] he whispered to himself. [b]"You guys hear that?"[/b] one of the thugs asked. [b]"No, what was it?"[/b] another replied. [b]"A voice, over there. Let's check it out."[/b] [color=black][b][i]'Shit.'[/i][/b][/color] Dave scrambled away from the unconscious thugs and ran to the other side of the room, climbing on top of a large crate. A few of the thugs approached the spot he was last in, but two of them hung back, a decent gap between them. One was right beneath him. He jumped down and landed behind the thug, quickly disarming him before taking him in a chokehold. David pulled the gun out from his holster and aimed over the thug's shoulder. [color=black][b]"Think your friends will shoot you?"[/b][/color] Dave whispered in the thug's ear. [color=black][b]"Let's find out."[/b][/color] The thug gave a strained whimper. David took a deep breath. [color=black][b][i]'Steady, Dave.'[/i][/b][/color] He took aim at the other thug's gun hand and fired, then quickly shifted his aim towards the thug's knee and fired again. David swerved to face the group of thugs clustered together near his last position. He released his breath, and time sped back up. [b]"It's him!"[/b] one of the thugs shouted. They began to fire at him, the bullets striking his human shield. Dave took the opportunity to let go of the gangster and roll into cover again. Using the shadows for concealment, he circled around behind the thugs as they approached what they thought was his corpse. He pressed his back up against one of the crates and listened. [b]"Oh shit! It's Paul, the fuckin' bastard made us kill Paul!"[/b] [b]"That limp dick is around here somewhere, spread out!"[/b] There was only five left, and they were obviously scared. Keeping crouched to be less visible, David watched as the five split up to search the room over for him. As one of them got closer, he whispered, [color=black][b]"Psst, hey. Over here."[/b][/color] As soon as he said that, he climbed on top of the crate. [b]"Guys, think I got something. Checking it out."[/b] The gangster approached the spot, looking around. David jumped on top of him, sending a kick into his head which probably had enough force to crack his skull. David rolled away from the body and jumped back onto the pipe, climbing up to the roof. Four left. [color=black][b]"Darkness... The boogeyman's coming for you, boys..."[/b][/color] David hissed softly. The gangsters all looked around for the source of his voice. [b]"Everybody, back to back!"[/b] one of the crooks shouted. They all gathered up in a circle, back to back, guns at the ready. [b]"Come on out, you bastard!"[/b] [color=black][b]"Heheheh..."[/b][/color] David pulled out his pistol, took a breath, then jumped down. He was right on top of them. They didn't stand a chance. He fired off three quick rounds, taking down three of the men with shots to the head. He released his breath and landed on the last man, pistol whipping him in the face and knocking him out cold. David stood up, sighing. [color=black][b]"So... Hood... Now that this is all done, you gonna tell me what this was about?"[/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'They're arms dealers, Dave. Check the crates.'[/i][/b][/color] Quirking an eyebrow, Dave headed over to one of the crates and ripped the lid off of it. Taking a peek inside, David had to take a few breaths to stop himself from having a heart attack. Guns, and loads of them. He had already built up a decent arsenal but one could never have too many guns. Grabbing a duffel bag off of a nearby table, he began to fill it up with guns and munitions, giggling like a school girl all throughout. [color=red][b][i]'Yeah Dave, I knew you'd like it.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black][b]"Like it? I fucking love it! Look at all these [i]guns[/i]! I'm starting to think I died and went to Heaven!"[/b][/color] David continued to fill the duffel bag, closing it up once he had enough. He cast one last glance into the crate, and did a double check at what he saw. There was some helmets and body armor underneath the guns, top of the line stuff. He grabbed one of the helmets and looked it over. [color=black][b]"... Hey Hood?"[/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Hm?'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black][b]"We still got that red spray paint?"[/b][/color] [color=red][b][i]'Yep.'[/i][/b][/color] David tossed the helmet into the duffel bag, along with a pair of gauntlets and one of the form-fitting suits of body armor. [color=black][b]"Time for an upgrade."[/b][/color]