The quarantine zone was the hottest topic on everyone's lips. Everywhere she went, Lucina heard people talking about it concerned voices and every newspaper she saw had the incident stamped on to the front page. It was a sad affair really, but she also knew there was nothing she could do. This didn't seem to stop her curiosity though. So there she was having found herself sitting outside the quarantine zone in the form of some kind of wolf/ dog hybrid looking curiously in. The first thing she had noticed while approaching the area was the horrid smell, the smell that was so much worse for a poor dog's nose. This didn't stop her though as she came as close as to the border as her poor senses would let her. The second thing she noticed was the people wandering around aimlessly. Bumping into each other and mumbling, they looked like a poor man's version of some kind of zombie movie. Watching them she wondered what was going through the minds, that was if they had them anywhere. Sighing loudly she turned to look at the border and the guards around her. No one had stopped her coming so close, but then again who was going to worry about some stray dog getting into a quarantine zone. They were also probably more worried about all the curious people looking in and even some seeming to try to get in.