[@Prima Luce] Kaldalis let out a breath of relief as the adrenaline started to ebb. His attack was successful, as the now further mutilated corpse lay before him, now entirely lifeless. He looked at [i]Kuy'val Dar[/i], now stained with the blood of the innkeeper, then to the cat, who seemed to be cleaning itself. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of men assembling outside. At first he thought that it was a mob of civilians drawn to the sounds inside, unfortunately it was something much worse, as three loud knocks were heard and then a voice confirming that it was the town guard. It took a moment for Kaldalis to think of how to address this new situation. If he refused, they would just knock down the door and arrest him, if he ran, somebody would see him and he'd probably be reported to the authorities as a fugitive. His only choice was to cooperate and hopefully reason with the guards, he didn't want to spill any more blood for today. He takes a few steps forward, sheathing his sword before opening the door for the guards.