[centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjZkNDg5ZC5XR0YyYVdWeUlFWnZjbkpsYzNRLC40AAAA/mafakanev.regular.png[/img][/centre] [hr] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Pica [@Sync] Xavier rummaged through his black backpack for his school diary that held his map and schedule. His schedule was stuck to the back of the diary and he put his map in the diary’s sleeve. At least he thought he did. When he checked the sleeve it was nowhere to be seen. He checked all the pockets in his bag. Not there. Even his wallet. Ditto. He muttered quiet curses to himself as he pinched his nose’s bridge. The grand award he got for getting up early was this. Granted it was his fault for being unorganised but that’s beside the point. A frustrated sign left his mouth as his brows did their signature furrowing he did when he felt even the slightest negative emotion. Having a map was kind of essential if you wanted to get around a new area. If he didn’t want to get completely lost, there was another option though. Asking for help. He grimaced at the inevitable thought. He scanned the area for the unlucky person that had to deal with this new kid’s idiocy. Who forgets their map on their first day? A cretin, that’s who. His eyes stumbled upon someone in relative proximity from him, only a few steps away. They were a boy his age, dark hair, with a familiar ‘not wanting to be here’ aura that Xavier could definitely relate to. As the boy threw away some miscellaneous trash in a bin, Xavier approached him. When at a talking distance, he began to speak to the boy. [color=mediumpurple]“Hey, bin boy”[/color], He called out in a tone that reflected his mood, [color=mediumpurple]“Mind if you help me out with the school’s layout? Forgot my map”[/color]. It came out ruder than intended and his expression didn’t really help with that. Though he didn’t really care. It got the message across.