[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Zmaysrl.png[/img] [h2]37 Confirmed Dead In Underground Pipe Explosion[/h2] [i]Written By: Charlotte Suthers[/i][/center] Thirty seven civilian casualties have been confirmed dead this evening after a deadly road collision in Penrose City. Reports have come in that First Responders arrived on site twenty minutes after news of the incident struck, with their way blocked by a vast amount of congestion caused by the accident. [h3][url=https://thepenroseindependent.wordpress.com/2018/09/11/37-confirmed-dead-in-underground-pipe-explosion/#more-18]Read More[/url] [url=https://thepenroseindependent.wordpress.com/2018/09/11/the-penrose-preternatural-37-dead-in-magic-based-terror-attack/#more-20]For The Penrose Preternatural, Click Here[/url][/h3] [center]~[/center] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170922/01aac7cda11b3d657ff69401d1e6d21e.png[/img] ~ [i]Contact Sport[/i] ~[/center] From atop her roof perch, Katelyn continued to watch the scene unfold. More Magical Girls arriving, some leaving, the first responders arriving on scene, only to be met with the destruction that was the attack. For the entirety of the watch, she kept her gaze upon her target, a single entity, waiting, awfully patiently, as though possessed into petrification by some manner. She was still, as still as she could be, staring, coldly, idly checking her phone on the off chance a message came through - either from the web, or [i]them[/i]. Things were going to start moving soon; she could feel it. Before long, the girl of her watch removed her disguise, taking off into the sky on a pair of wings, having recovered from the assault on her senses from that woman, The Ebon Vampire. Connections into The Mint were limited, but they all said the same thing; she was a woman, if not [i]demon[/i] to be feared. How one person could possess such power, she wasn't certain, but Katelyn could reckon a few theories. She, herself, was strong, though the fact didn't become any less extravagant the more she proved it. It was a power she had fought and killed for. There was nothing great about that. In a single, rapid action, Katelyn removed her disguise, before standing up to take in the air. It was encroaching on evening already, with the wind sweeping across her outfit producing a pleasant chill for the sunset. Her wings stretched out, free from their confinements at least, and ready to be used at a moments notice. In one hand she picked up the cellphone, and slid it into her pocket, for future use, but the binoculars, she left on the ground, before generating a surge of electricity through its structure, blowing it to pieces. The less evidence the better. And finally, in a final move now that preparations had been finished, she ran to the edge of the roof, and leapt off. The wind surged for a moment, catching her wings and lifting her from her descent, preventing an untimely death. With this, she could fly freely, and so she did, giving chase to the Magical Girl, some distance behind, eyeing her movements with another distant and cold glare. She kept back, trailing as best as possible, both to keep out of sight but also to maintain visual contact; losing sight of the quarry would be the worst possible scenario. And then she came across something unexpected - the girl attacking a tent, placed atop a nearby roof. She eyed it cautiously, well wary of a possible ambush or trap, but decided to lay that fear by the wayside. More than likely, she was in the middle of a mission of some kind or another for The Mint. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Even if the girl had had a chance to see the dragon girl coming, enough to anticipate an attack, there would likely be very little she could have done against it. After all, she was designed for speed. In the first instance, there was a flash - a brilliant, blue light, that seemed to beacon out like an explosion from Katelyn's location. And then, for a few seconds, there was nothing. And then the shock-wave hit at once - a deafening crack of thunder, as the girl charged herself with energy and nigh teleported the distance between her and Eliza. There was very little time between the attack, and the flash; she had closed the distance in an instant. But Katelyn didn't simply attack her. With the momentum of the lightning enhancement channelled into her body, propelling her to ungodly levels of speed, she barrelled into the girl, grabbing her by the waist. If there was no resistance, no effort made to prevent the attack, the two, at a speed greater than sound, would hurtle through a nearby office block, tearing through the wall, with Eliza taking the brunt of the force, before she would be flung across the room. No doubt it would cause a large amount of damage, both internally and externally, but it wouldn't be enough to kill her. [center][@Majoras End][/center]