Elizabeth and Chester made their way around the Library, genuinely admiring the collection and the artistry that went into its construction. Elizabeth, always the impatient one, had started to grow bored with the activity and took to making small quips about everyone in the room. Of course, with everyone's masks on it was impossible to say if either of them actually knew anyone, perhaps once the masks were removed they might recognize someone from their pasts, from school. But as the couple continued to stroll arm in arm Elizabeth saw a form that she knew without a doubt who it was, even with their mask on, one Dame LaVerre. The two had a past with one another dating back quite a ways into their schooling that never seemed to have been dealt with... Whatever it was... It had been a little while since graduating from the program, but all the same their limited interactions since then have all been... well, they could only be described politely as [i]strained,[/i] if nothing more than [i]restraint[/i] was used in the name of proper decorum. However, her contempt for those who come from more base lineage was never vailed, and while Elizabeth came from a family of craftsman with some renown, her husband Chester had come from squalor. So not only did the [i]esteemed[/i] Dame disapprove of Chester for not being born into money, she also had an open disapproval of Elizabeth for marrying 'outside' of her station. It took several shushes from Chester to quiet his wife before her comments, impolite as they were, about a particular guest became too loud. Those nearby might have heard the commotion but most likely not the content of the words. "Really dear, you must behave yourself or else this petty feud will continue on in perpetuity. All you are doing is giving her credence to her claims about our stations, honestly. Oh, look here, who is this with the wings? Someone we know?" Elizabeth looked to where Chester had gestured, the distraction worked to keep her from continuing her verbal abuses of the other woman. "I think we do not know her, not yet at least, but I suspect that we may know [i]of[/i] her. Come, let us make our acquaintances." The Lockhearts made their way across the library and approached the winged woman as she conversed with a child. Before they made it to a polite distance another woman made it there, however they must have been close enough as they were included as they made their greetings as the "Honored guests" part of the statement. "Our apologies for intruding," Chester started speaking, his soothing voice lending its charm, those within earshot might have felt more at ease with their approach, "We couldn't help but notice your beautiful wings and mask from across the room and felt we just had to have a look at them closer, and of course introduce ourselves if we may." Chester reached out his hand, offering to shake the boy's hand, "I am Chester Lockheart, and this is my wife Elizabeth." Elizabeth gave a polite curtsy to the group, "A pleasure to meet you all, I'm sure." On closer inspection of the other new comer, there was a chance that she remembered another fellow student from Geraldine's... it was hard to say, but how many women walked about town with pink hair?