[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180907/1ef64f6691624e864dd5aa6e374a80ea.png[/img][hr][hider=Elle] [img]http://mblogthumb2.phinf.naver.net/MjAxNzA1MzFfMjA5/MDAxNDk2MjM3ODI4NjI5.L_97rKDnH4PEyIy90BHG9UOoafyL_PhvxV4zjN9nlDkg.faur_vUeaDkwAEX0iqFWzN-rQI0ZnY5NM8XG6SACZIQg.PNG.hzz1016/kira_rausch5.png?type=w2[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] [color=dimgray]It was most certainly not the most graceful of meetings but colliding at high speeds is definitely one way to make a lasting impression. Elle landed hard but at least someone had broken her fall. Sadly, it seemed as though he had not intended for things to go that way. Smiling to the out of breath boy, [color=F0F8FF]Apologies. I'm Elle. I heard a band was starting here. I brought snacks.[/color] Once she said that Elle frantically looked around realizing the grocery bags were not in her hands. The girl attempted to stand but without help, the lack of stable ground kept her from being able to stand. So, to deal with that issue she began taking off her rollerblades. By the time she got her first rollerblade off another girl walked up to the two. Soon after a fourth person joined the little group upon the sidewalk. Elle took the girls hand and replied, [color=F0F8FF]I'm fine. Not sure about him. Are you also here about the band?"[/color] Once she stood up, Elle took off her other rollerblade and then set about to finding the snacks she brought. She then noticed one bag was under a nearby car. She went to get it as another person came. [color=F0F8FF]"Hello. I brought snacks cause I didn't know if we needed to bring anything."[/color] If one were to look in the bag it was just a bunch of nuts, fruits, and vegetables. It was fairly obvious that she wasn't a 'snack' person.[/color]