Penelope tensed as William moved towards Crow. Given William's history with the thief, it was needless to say she didn't trust him. Especially since he was trying to get a rise out of Crow. Unsure what to do, she stood back and glared at William as he continued on about Crow having ulterior motives. What did catch the knight slightly off guard was when she saw Crow flinch at William's words. She blinked. [i]Why did he flinch?[/i] She couldn't help but wonder, feeling a bit of worry build up. She faltered as William brought up her father again. Her heartbeat quickened anxiously at the thought of William's threats to Crow. The knight wanted to say he was wrong and that they'd be fine but the truth was she doubted her father would react much better than William. Penelope lowered her head slightly as she averted her gaze. In the next moment, Crow suddenly swung at William and Penelope hesitated, unsure what to do. Her gaze flickered away from Crow as William turned to her again. "Stop this." Penelope growled, moving forward to shove the older knight away from Crow. William released the thief from his grip as he stepped back, glaring at Penelope. Her fists were clenched at her side, nearly looking ready to strike the knight herself. She moved to stand by Crow as she glared at her comrade. "The only reason you even care about all this is just because he's a criminal. You're just concerned about some stupid reputation. You call me naive but you're blinded by your own pride!" She spat crossing her arms. "I'm trying to save you from being humiliated by this criminal." William snorted. "He couldn't even deny it when I caught onto him!" Penelope began to opened her mouth to protest his words but hesitated. She gave an annoyed look and shook her head. "I'd argue with you but I'd be wasting my breath... Look it's getting late and we still have a mission to finish. So unless you'd prefer to stay up all night fighting about this, I'd recommend that we get some sleep and you can wake me up when it's my watch." She grumbled. William paused. His anger didn't fade and for a moment, Penelope nearly thought he'd deny her advice. "Fine." He growled. He shot Crow a hateful look. "But don't think this is over thief."