[center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6059/c58108d3f23a315bca29859c2aae44d63c62fae1_hq.jpg[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba, Japan[/b] April 3, 2018 [b][color=white]|[/color][/b] 5:57 am[/color][hr][/right] [indent]Fujioka Senior High stood in silence as the morning staff began to finish preparations for the first day of the Japanese school year. It was still fairly early in the morning, the gates were still locked and none of the prospective students had shown up to wait for the faculty to open up the gates and usher them towards their classes. Perhaps in Kyoto or Tokyo there would've been a sense of urgency in the students to be at the gates an hour earlier than they needed to, but Kuruosuoba was a sleepy, tired little city with little attraction, excitement, or nerve, and that was reflected well in the people that lived within it. At any rate, it was nearing six o'clock in the morning, just one hour before the gates of Fujioka were opened. For many students it would be the first time they would walk through Fujioka's gates and begin their experience as a senior high school student. But what kind of student would they be? [/indent]