[@LeeRoy] [i]-Donny shook his head and quickly pulled his hand out of his jacket, holding a wallet. He'd flip it open and show his false (but legit looking) FDA badge to Yancy. He'd address the bum without any trace of an accent, an air of lawful authority in his voice and demeanor.-[/i] [b]"Wrong. I'm agent Jamie Carson. Don't worry, I won't arrest you if you cooperate. I don't give a shit that you're clearly on drugs either, I don't have time for that. What I do give a shit about is that you seem to know about 'First-Degree', and that this train inexplicably lost power. Is he after you, son? Do you know what happened? Seen anything?"[/b] [i]-Donny would carefully move closer, and unless he was interrupted, would put his wallet back and on its place take out a silver flask bound in black leather. He'd continue speaking if allowed, using a much more calming and friendly tone.-[/i] [b]"Just take it easy now, I'm sure you're stressed. How about a drink? You like whisky son?"[/b]