Headache.[i] Regret.[/i] Nausea. Never again. Muu felt terrible. On her seventh day, they celebrated. On their seventh day, she became one of them. On her seventh day, Muu learned - no, experienced - she had barely any alcohol tolerance. And now, here she was. Suffering. At the very least, however, the youngest Member of the Blade Dancers had a cool scarlet scarf. The past days had been horrible, yet fulfilling. In a sense, Muu felt at home - even if her [i]Master[/i] had exploited her financially. The first day, the most basic of the basics. Walking on tight ropes and hanging off buildings with one hand. The second day, parkour. The third day, [i]suicide.[/i] Jumping off a five story building and feathering her fall. Over. And. Over. Again. The fourth day, actual combat experience. The fifth day, Revelation. The sixth day, praise from her master. The seventh day,[i] Regret. [/i] And now, here she was. Not much around her had changed, yet, Muu changed. No longer did she simply see a crowded street full of townsfolk going their daily business. Instead, she was surrounded by a playground. The town itself was alive. Talking, whispering, beckoning her. But, for now, Muu had a mission. Hiding most of her face in the comfortable scarf, her sheathed long-sword dangling beside her hip, the girl greeted the rest of her [i]companions.[/i] [b]"H-Hello..."[/b] Her silent voice even more muffled through the scarf. Yup, still the same person.