With purpose, Leonard moved toward his parked motorcycle, Mieke trailing behind. The situation was one which required great care and tact, which he could most definitely provide, but the question remained: could she? A young woman, ignorant even to the nature of her own stand, a desperate ploy at scraping the barrel on the Speedwagon Foundation's accord. No, she would not be able to assist in any meaningful manner, and would in fact be a major detriment. That is, at least, in her current situation. Leonard could change that. He had already promised to explain stands in greater detail, but why not take things one step beyond? The artistic mercenary opened up the right side saddlebag of his bike, and put on his helmet. Once that was done, he pulled out his notebook and a pen, turned a few pages in, and carefully jotted something down in it. He then turned to the next page, and jotted something else, albeit a smaller piece. Once that was done, Leonard yanked out the paper and handed it to Mieke. [color=gold]"Apologies for the abrupt nature of this endeavor, however we have little luxury of time and a great deal for you to ascertain. This note shall explain far more about stands than I could convey to you in words."[/color] On the front of the note, Miek would see [url=https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/QznN2LC_QZsWyWugpdB_5nwpOAx8daCjkCu_YMfjgAQ/http/runesecrets.com/img/kenaz-100x100.gif]two[/url] [url=https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/S_P4Sl2rTHofnsisbL6W9_dCe3Uxk7yj0XqsfdedkXE/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/0d/95/a80d95fa359b2da0d686642e9633fdc9.jpg?width=225&height=300]symbols[/url] paired closely together, though given her background it was unlikely she would understand the Nordic rune or Japanese kanji associated. The first was the symbol for fire, specifically inner fire, which represented mastering ones own energies in knowledge and learning. The second symbol represented the concept of magic and the supernatural. Paired together, Leonard believed that Free Bird could bestow a wealthy helping of knowledge on the young girl. At first it would likely be false knowledge, the "illusion" of knowledge, but after Free Bird evolved, after it took the time to solidify into reality, it should become [i]real[/i] knowledge. The back of the note had another [url=https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/Wbjj7J_ap_cVBi8JOZDL0dEd42CZqP8f5Ft1thaVfLU/https/image.spreadshirtmedia.net/image-server/v1/mp/designs/15879568%2Cwidth%3D178%2Cheight%3D178/viking-good-luck-rune.png]Nordic rune.[/url] this one representing great luck. With that, after several minutes of solidifying into reality, Mieke herself should become Leonard's own personal good luck charm... Or maybe she would just start seeing horseshoes following her around. Free Bird was rather flighty and unpredictable that way, but Leonard had an idea that it would help guide the two of them to their destination. [color=gold]"Sit behind me,"[/color] he explained, mounting the bike. [color=gold]"And hold on tightly. We shall be visiting each of the gardens and arboretums one by one to observe, beginning with the closest to our position."[/color] Once the young girl had secured herself, they were off.