[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G5HUBBI.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GBafRmO.png[/img][/center] [color=red]Health[/color]: 975/1300 [color=slateblue]Mana[/color]: 1482/1900 [color=orange]Renn[/color]: 771 Renn [color=teal]STATs Tree:[/color][hider=] [b][color=lightslategray]Health:[/color][/b] 13 [b][color=lightslategray]Mana:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=lightslategray]Strength:[/color][/b] 9 [b][color=lightslategray]Agility:[/color][/b] 12 [b][color=lightslategray]Intelligence:[/color][/b] 15[/hider] [center][h2]✧ DAY 11 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧[/h2] [right]Interacting with: [@Jangel13][/right] 6/26/2076[/center] (Spent time with Shiba, I’ll put up the post when I’m not on a lunch break.) [hr] [center][h2]✧ DAY 12 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧[/h2] [youtube]https://youtu.be/LSqQCBLt0Zw[/youtube] [color=cyan] Dubstepp sighed, he slowly walked with his new group of guild mates. His enthusiasm wasn’t there. Who can blame him though? So much had happened the past few days. If the reason for the dungeon exploration was different, maybe Dubstepp would crack a smile. But the fact of the matter is that this adventure is solely for leveling up and attacking Valentine afterwards. Not even two weeks inside this game and Dubstepp was fighting someone else’s war, or now he was fighting his own war. Dubstepp entered the dungeon’s zone. It was more appealing than the last one ventured. [color=deepskyblue]”So what are the odds of us dying this time?”[/color] The musician joked about the perils that lied ahead. Dubstepp rotated his neck, looking at everyone’s expression. He remembered his hang-out yesterday with Shiba. He hoped everyone did not share the same anger and the same vengeance. If everyone felt strongly about Karma, this dungeon run could go badly. This is just reliant that individuals don’t react to emotion alone. The trainer stopped in his tracks. Apparently, the others in front had spotted the first band of enemies. Dubstepp peered his head over and raised an eyebrow. [color=deepskyblue]“Are you kidding me?”[/color] Dubstepp summoned his monster; the giant, carnivorous rabbit appeared before him, ready to rumble and attack. [color=deepskyblue] “It’s Totoro,”[/color] Dubstepp corrected Reylan. The tamer then ordered his beast to charge toward the left. Totoro did as he commanded, running sideways in a 180 degree manner. Once Dubstepp considered the position was correct, he told his beast to hit the boars from behind. [/color] [center][color=peachpuff]SUMMARY[/color][/center] [color=lightgreen]Dubstepp became worried about the emotion of his guild mates. He also reflected on his downtime spent with Shiba. Once confronted by a pack of boars, Dubstepp followed Reylan’s advice and used Totoro to attack the back of Boar #3. [/color]