Sasha looked over at Mayt and gave him a reassuring smile. She had to make it clear that she thought everything would be alright… that they could do this. Mayt was one of the first people in the guild that she had ever gone on a mission with, and she still had the carved fish he had given her. She carried it with her now, as a token of friendship, and she wished she could tell him just how thankful she was, for everything he had done for her back then. [color=lightblue]”No… but that’s why we are here for. To help, and bring about peace to this island once more. Restore the balance of magic and whatever else that means.”[/color] She hoped she sounded confident… she hoped she sounded like she knew what she was doing. She knew that she had to present a good image- a strong image even if she didn’t feel particularly strong right then. Her guild was counting on her. The other guilds too… perhaps even the world. She went from confident, to unsure in a matter of moments, but she couldn’t let any of that show. She had to be strong. And she could be strong. She would be strong, for her little Hope. Looking to Ariel, she waited a moment before she answered, intending to answer everyone that spoke, whether it was to her or not. [color=lightblue]”Well, i suppose that depends on your view point… but… it is danger we walk into, but if we don’t, well… we need to stop what is happening here.”[/color] She turned towards Ferrin once more as he begin to talk, giving them advice on what they should do. She listened, her expersion serious as she considered each option. They were all good options, and she weighed them all heavily, seeking the best option. She would leave this island with everyone alive and well- no one was dying on her watch. No one. The first option was a good one, at least to her. Despite the fact that this was Fairy Tail’s island, there could be anything here, after a hundred years. Particularly with the dark energy around the island… Anything could be attracted here, and she was willing to go careful, if it meant everyone would leave alright. The thought of spliting up was not even an option, at least to Sasha. Not when one small group could end up fighting a few dragons by themselves. No… She was not going to lose anyone. As she went to respond, Hunter came up and sasha waited for him to speak. [color=lightblue]”There is more than one.”[/color] Sasha said softly, her voice steady, as she gripped her staff in one hand, looking up, and meeting their gazes. [color=lightblue]”Arguing amongst ourselves won’t do any good.”[/color] she said, surprised at the authority in her voice. Where had that come from? [color=lightblue]”Splitting up is not a godo idea, if what you say is true.”[/color] she said to Zero/Zenoram. [color=lightblue]”We do not have the S class mages to go around, nor, do I fear, we have the Dragon Slayers. I think sticking together is the better idea, at least for now. I’m not losing anyone, and if we don’t have a way to communicate and send help quickly, well… I’d rather stick together, even if it makes things a little harder to do. I want to keep everyone safe.”[/color] The thought that everything rested on her shoulders… She cast a glance at Patrick, but the young man was chuckling softly. [color=lightbrown]”You have to admit, you are a shady bastard.”[/color] he said to Ferrin, grinning. He didn’t seem to be worried… what did he know? Sasha tried not to let any of her worry or fear show- she knew that she couldn’t, not if they were going to win this thing. She had to be a good leader. Straightening to her full height once more, she shrugged her shoulders, her armor settling into place. For once, it felt like it actually fit her. For once, she felt like she deserved the title of Ice Queen. For a brief moment, she wondered what her Edolas counterpart would think, seeing her now. [hr][hr] [i][color=coral]”the difference is, Phoenix’s come back”[/color][/i] Penny replied, [i][color=coral]”the only true death… is the Phoenix song.”[/color][i] she never wanted to remember that haunting beautiful death lament… not every again. She hoped to god she never died before her friends, before Damien and Sasha… because she knew she wasn’t strong, she’d choose the option to come back… and be a Phoenix Forever. And then who would kill her? There were no other Phoenix Slayers, that she knew off. Ariel, to her, did not count for that… and She’d never make Ariel have to make that choice. She couldn’t do it to her, or anyone else. [j][color=coral]”I did it because I loved him, and because I… didn’t want him to suffer. And I know that I would not want to live past those I love.”[/color][/i] As she continued to try and comfort Jasmine, [i][color=coral]”its fine. I shouldn’t have tried to hide it from her… “[/color][/i] she replied to the dragon. What was she going to do with Jasmine? The girl was stronger then she realised, but convincing her was going to take a lot of effort. [color=coral]”Jasmine… Jaz… You are strong, and courages. You are bright and kind-hearted. Look at everything you have done… everything that has happened to you and you are still going. If you don’t believe my words, believe that. You are still here. You have beat everything that came along, and you are still here. And if you ever need a hand, I’ll always be there. No matter what, okay? Because you are family.”[/color] [i][color=coral]”I’m not exactly sure where the island is, or if we can reach it with the lacrima. The best i could do would be to use it to teleport to the boat- and even that might be a little risky. I’d have to assume who is on there… although if Jarvis is still on the boat, it would be easier.”[/color][/i] she replied to the dragon, ignoring Rajah for the moment. [color=firebrick]”Rajah… “[/color] Ignatius said with a heavy sigh, [color=firebrick]”Have some more food.”[/color] [hider=mentions]Zarkun [@Crimson Raven] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@LightningMaiden] [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Oblivion666] [@YipeeXD][/hider]