[@CavnderOHeart] Reid looked around warily, before falling into step behind the many-armed man. "[color=ed1c24]I suppose since you know my name, I should know yours.[/color]" He paused for a second. "[color=ed1c24]Then again, maybe you don't want to. Either one is fine.[/color]" He holstered his pistol, feeling safe enough to do so. Reid pondered taking control of the man, but ultimately decided against it. His electric baton began to feel like a burden as they walked, so he asked what every bored child asked on a particularly lengthy road trip. "[color=ed1c24]Are we there yet?[/color]" He didn't like the looks some ordinary people gave them. Reid couldn't blame the citizens. Watching a man with several arms and another in combat armor walk by may be slightly more familiar, but it was still relatively strange.