[center]Name: Ashley Alias: Carnage Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/56e4fd80be080c0c13d6821b97330d36/http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad173/mimi9086/purpleanimegirlcopy.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/063/2/f/female_carnage_by_liquid81-d39cyi2.jpg[/img] Power(s): Super-Strength, Speed(faster then a normal human), Limb-Extension(as Carnage she can extend her arms/legs, and swing from them), "Web"-Shooter(can shoot webs like spiderman), Spider-Sense Protection(can't be sensed by spider sense) Item(s): A "Glove" made of the carnage symbiote, this is what allows her to change between forms Backstory: During a fight between spiderman, carnage, and venom a piece of carnage fell off and landed near her, she went home with it secretly and studied it, it soon attached to her hand and she got all of its memories and powers, when she gets angry or scared it fuels carnage and it can spread across her body, making her powers stronger. Personality: Some call her emo, she just knows what the other side feels... Crush/Relationship: You could say she has a crush on carnage... Other: VILLAIN![/center]