Penelope smiled as Crow rested his chin on her shoulder. Though things seemed to be uncertain between them, she was glad he wasn't already trying to distance himself from her. It meant that she could at least try to enjoy the day. However, his actions made her unsure what he was currently thinking about their situation. He had clearly been affected by William's words but the female knight had trouble figuring out which ones specifically. She glanced over at him affectionately as he kissed her cheek before she focused back ahead. They rode on quietly for a while and Penelope honestly found some peace in the quiet as it seemed to make time slow down, if only slightly. It wasn't long before the end of the forest came into amongst the thinning tree line and she peered ahead into the town. It seemed lively and busy despite the distance so she guessed that it'd be rather easy to fine the market. As they came into a clearing, Penelope slowed her horse to a stop. "Let's stop here." She told William. William glanced towards the town then nodded his head in agreement. Penelope slipped off of her horse and waited for Crow to do the same before tying the stallion up. Her gaze flickered over to William. "Crow and I will go into the town to get all the supplies we need. You'll have to stay here." "Why would I let you go alone with him?" William challenged as he narrowed his eyes on the thief. "You wait here and I'll go." "Now see, that might have worked if you had taken the time to learn the accent better before." Penelope snorted. William flinched slightly. "So unless you want to risk getting caught, I suggest you stay here until we get back." William glared at her, reluctant to agree with her words. Unable to come up with anything else, he grumbled in agreement before moving away from them. "Just don't take too long." He growled. Penelope rolled her eyes and then turned back to look over at Crow. She let out a quiet sigh and moved to take his hand. "Ready to go?"