[hider=House Martell] [center] [img]http://m.westeros.org/images/thumb/d/d6/MartellCoA.png/375px-MartellCoA.png[/img] [color=orange][h3]House Martell[/h3] "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"[/color] [hr][/center] [b][color=orange]Synopsis[/color] [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] General & brief information about your chosen house. [b][color=orange]Realm[/color] [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Dorne is a harsh, hot region with brutal geographic features. A mountain range divides it from the Stormlands and the Reach, and an unforgiving desert spans the area south of the mountains. Its rough geographical features have provided much in the way of natural defenses. Thought this comes at the expense of the area being somewhat geographically isolated from the rest of Westoros. To the north Dorne is bordered by the Sea of Dorne, the Stepstones islands are to the east, and the Summer Sea borders the south. It is the least populated of the seven kingdoms, but its people are hot blooded and strong willed. Dornishmen tend to be olive skinned with dark hair and dark eyes. Bastardy is treated more kindly in Dorne, nobles taking a paramour lover is commonplace and often results in bastards. Dorne's military might has been put on par with the North. Though they do not possess a naval force. Their warriors are well known as spearmen with complex tactics. Dornish warriors also use guerrilla warfare tactics, sudden ambushes and rapid strikes, tactics which helped them to repel the Targaryens during Aegon's Conquest. The climate and geography of Dorne also aides the military, it is difficult to invade the landscape due to its seemingly endless deserts and mountain ranges. The Dornish also have a reputation for using lethal poisons, and their assassins often employ these toxins in their affairs. [hider=Sworn Houses] House Allyrion of Godsgrace House Blackmont of Blackmont House Dalt of Lemonwood House Dayne of Starfall House Dayne of High Hermitage House Fowler of Skyreach House Gargalen of Salt Shore House Jordayne of the Tor House Manwoody of Kingsgrave House Qorgyle of Sandstone House Santagar of Spottswood House Toland of Ghost Hill House Uller of the Hellholt House Vaith of the Red Dunes House Wyl of Wyl House Yronwood of Yronwood [/hider] [b][color=orange]Important Members[/color] [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/uo0glvO.png]Family Tree[/url] [list] [*] Alran Martell [*] Dasina Martell [*] Dyron Martell [*] Olira Martell [*] Dovan Sand [/list] [hider=Alran Martell] [center][img]https://adb2a926007e8530bb6b-a2f5e23c5d66507b38d6c6f2d5e48f08.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/184_t_ee9a4108-2f18-4f17-b64b-ffc570d33ca7.jpg[/img] [i]Prince of Dorne Lord of Sunspear[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Prince Alran Martell, 24 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Prince Alran is the head of Dorne and the Lord of Sunspear. Since childhood Alran has been groomed by his father to one day lead his House, as such expectations for him are high. His father ingrained in him that the most important thing in life is family, that he must never go against the Martells or Dorne. He's not afraid to make major decisions, even if they are unpopular to other Houses. As long as it makes Dorne safer and stronger than its a good decision. He's also come to the realization that too long Dorne has been essentially on the sidelines, that other noble houses have been steering Westoros wrong, mostly ignoring his people. The Prince wants to make his House greater than its ever been. Whatever must be done to accomplish this goal is feasible to him, there can be no weakness from the head of a great house. His tutelage under his father was more focused towards politics than warfare, while he knows how to use a sword and is decent with one he is no knight. It's unlikely to find him on the frontlines leading the charge. Alran keeps memories of the past in his mind when dealing with other Westorosi houses, while he does not allow these to guide his decisions they do factor in. He's well liked by the people of Dorne, with an outwardly friendly deposition, even though the weight of high expectations are on his shoulders. He'd never reveal how nervous he actually is to have so much weight behind virtually every one of his decisions. [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Born as the first son and second child of the head prince of Dorne, Darnis Martell and his wife Alyssa Velaryon, little Alran had no idea that he would one day lead an entire nation. His younger years were like that of most Dornish nobles, he enjoyed a childhood of royalty and wealth. He was close with his other sister Darna, the two often playing together in the gorgeous Dornish Water Gardens along with his younger sister Dasina and both of his cousins. Alran was given the best education in Dorne, practically fed books on how to rule and lead, attend to political matters. He was his parent's chosen heir, Darna wasn't really leadership material. She would be married off when Alran was thirteen to Lord Antorn of House Blackmont, and he has seen her only a handful of times since then. It was difficult to have her go, but in time he'd understand why such a decision was made. As he entered his teenage years Alran was really taken under his father's watch, and truly taught how to be a head prince. He never really found political matters that exciting, but as his father told him, 'if politics were exciting then it may not necessarily be a good thing'. He'd spend his free time walking in the gardens, riding horses or writing in journals. He was also given some basic swordsmanship training though never particularly enjoyed it, but a head of a house should be able to protect themselves. His mother passed roughly a year before his father did, and it upset him much like it did many in Sunspear. It was the first time he ever saw his father cry and noticed how it seemed to permanently change the man's mindset. Alran always figured her death played a role in his father's, he hoped to have a love with his future wife even close to what they had. When his father did die Alran was struck very hard with grief. He was no perfect prince of Dorne, but the man was a damn good father. Without his tutelage Alran would've never felt at all ready to lead the Martells and Dorne. Since his ascension a few months ago he's tried his best to ensure good relationships with the important lords of the realm, and carefully plan out future plans for his House. The soon to be approaching Targaryen forces across the narrow sea have raised concern across Westoros, and Alran has been careful in planning his actions related to that threat. [/hider] [hider=Dasina Martell] [center][img]http://www.c7nema.net/images/stories/galeria/imortais/freida/M%20360_D010_00155_JTrv1.jpg[/img] [i]Princess of Dorne[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Princess Dasina Martell, 22 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Dasina has been claimed to be the most beautiful woman in Dorne, and as such always tries to appear her best. Compliments about her physical appearance just seem to bounce off her nowadays, and cause her to sigh. The Princess thinks of herself as more than just outwardly beautiful and likes people who notice this. She is highly regarded in Dorne by several of the vassal houses, numerous potential betrothals have been brought before her, though her older brother, the head Prince of Dorne has given her ultimate decision when it comes to who she marries. She's known as a calm and composed figure, who takes after her father in many ways in how she deals with matters. She's a caring woman with a soft spot for the beaten down and helpless. Though she has the typical Dornish fire which comes out when she is angry. [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Dasina was born the third child of Prince Alran and Alyssa Velaryon, like her brother she had a very affluent childhood. From the time she could wear a dress she was gifted expensive but utterly gorgeous dresses, and taught how to be a proper lady by her mother. Though the young Dasina would've rather played in the Water Gardens then dress up like a fancy royal. She would soon become accustomed to such a lifestyle, as expected of a powerful noblewoman. She grew into a gorgeous young woman, and at the earliest age of being able to be married off her family received numerous offers to do so from other noble houses. But, her father ultimately decided not to. In her travels around Sunspear Dasina always took note of the downtrodden who inhabited the poorer parts of the city, she sympathized greatly with these people despite herself coming from royalty. She always found it a humbling experience to interact with them, though some of the people back in the palace would try to discourage her from doing so. A prim and proper lady didn't associate herself with 'dangerous lowborns'. She slowed down with doing these travels, despite neither of her parents directly disapproving of her doing it. [/hider] [hider=Ser Dyron Martell] [center][img]https://linnetmoss.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/screen-shot-2014-04-29-at-8-01-43-am.png[/img] [i]Prince of Dorne Anointed knight[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Dyron Martell, 53 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Prince Dyron is a highly regarded knight in Dorne, he has participated in numerous battles in past, having played a key role in helping to rid the nearby Stepstones of pirates. His talent with a sword is well known, at one point he was considered for the Kingsguard but was passed over, something he hasn't forgotten. He overall has an intense knowledge of military history and tactics. As a knight he tries to uphold his vows, and show some honor in his dealings. When he was younger he was known as a charming man with a suave sense about himself, but he's hardened in recent years. He serves as an adviser to Prince Alran, offering counsel to his nephew in different capacities. With the incoming threat of the Targaryens he assumes a high role among the Dornish military. [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Prince Dyron Martell was born the youngest son of Trystane Martell and Myrcella Baratheon, a marriage made between the Martells and Lannisters in order to secure an alliance between their houses as well as try to repair the tense relationship the great houses had. As such he was born with 'King's blood', though he has never lead the Martells. Due to his mother's death a year later during childbirth, Dyron was mostly raised by his father and various servants that assisted in his upbringing. He never knew his mother, though his father often told him how beautiful and kind hearted she was, that she would have been proud of the noble knight he became. His older brother Arving was a strong influence on the young Dyron, keeping a watchful eye on the curious young prince. His younger years were regal and peaceful, until he was deemed old enough to become a page. He had grown up hearing tales of proud knights across Westoros, who went down as legends for their feats of valor. Dyron was put under the tutelage of Ser Tobas Dayne, a highly skilled swordsman and the third son of the late Edric Dayne. e was squired alongside Morgan Sand, who would become one of his closest friends. The trials of knighthood were a rough time for the young prince, as it was for many who took such a challenge. He was taught well by Ser Tobas, and himself showed a strong drive to impress his teacher. It was commonplace for him to undergo constant training from the early hours of days until the late hours of night. Nevertheless he drove to succeed and became a squire to Ser Tobas. Dyron explored much of Dorne under Tobas' tutelage, traveling with the knight on his journeys through the land. He tended to the knight's horse, cleaned his armor and sharped his sword. At the age of seventeen he was knighted by Ser Tobas, Dyron can still recall every second of his knighting ceremony. Walking barefoot from the sept in Sunspear before falling to one knee before his teacher as the proud knight tapped each of his shoulders with his blade, the same sword Dyron himself had sharpened many times in the past. It was the happiest day of his life besides the births of both of his children. Over the next several years he'd ride across the lands alongside Morgan Sand, fighting in tournaments and making a name for himself. At one point he was considered the finest knight in Dorne, and considered for the Kingsguard in his early thirties. But he was passed over due to politics, something he's never forgotten. Though his passing over from the Kingsguard allowed him to look towards getting married, and found himself falling for the beautiful Elrie Dayne, a woman he had known for several years and was smitten with. Unfortunatly, Morgan also fell for her and this caused a falling out between the two knights, and she ended up marrying Dyron due to his high birth. Him and Morgan were never the same, as the knight proceeded to anger several Dornish nobles then leave the land, Dyron having not seen him since. He would marry Elrie, and find himself starting a family. He would ultimately have one child with Elrie, Olira, raising her with love and affection. He'd also take a paramour, Leyina, who he'd father a bastard son Dovan with. For years he focused on raising his children, though spent some time in Stepstones where he helped to rid of pirates. Once his son Dovan was of proper age the bastard prince desired to become a knight like his father, and Dyron accepted his son as his squire. He taught Dovan sternly, but fairly, much like Tobas Dayne had taught him. As their training intensified and the boy grew, Dyron even suspected Dovan would be a stronger knight than even he was. He also taught Olira some swordsmanship, the feisty young princess begging him to do it. The recent death of his cousin Darnis Martell shifted control of the house to the young Alran Martell, and Dyron would take a position of guidance and advice to the new head prince. [/hider] [hider=Olira Martell] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/05212bf3b5f09fc12f481182b3da7493/tumblr_o8v5uxllXL1thgkcuo4_250.png[/img] [i]Princess of Dorne[/i] [/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Olira Martell, 21 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] A feisty and fiery princess, the young Olira is unlike most royal women in that she has had swordsmanship training under her father. She's quite solid with a blade or spear in hand, using speed to her advantage to make up for her lack of raw strength. She'd rather wield a spear and duel than wear a dress and attend to political matters. It is unlikely that she will ever have to lead her house, and as such she just lives to enjoy her life. She has a strong sense of adventure and curiosity, with aspirations of seeing the most jawdropping places in the world, especially the Rhoyne. Her attitude is noticeable, she's brash and bold but not stupid. Her words can sting as she's often blunt with them. Though she is not innately cruel. [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] The only child of Prince Dyron Martell and Elrie Dayne, Olira was lavished with love by both parents during her childhood. She was raised in the Water Gardens of Sunspear, growing up alongside her cousins Alran and Dasina, as well as her younger half brother Dovan. She spent much of her time running around the gardens, playing in the crystal clear pools or reading amongst the lush flowers. It was a calm, beautiful place to live, in the royal palace away from the craziness of the rest of the world. In her readings she took a particular interest in the tales of Queen Nymeria of the Rhoynar, the legendary warrior queen who led her people across the narrow sea to settle in Dorne. Even as a young girl Olira dreamed of being like the legendary Rhoynar woman. She made it one of her life goals to step foot across the sea and stand in the Rhoyne where Nymeria once stood. Being tied down and turned into essentially a pampered housewife was not something she desired. She had the blood of the warrior queen in her veins after all. As she watched her bastard brother squire under her father, she frequently begged her father to teach her too and show her how to fight like a knight even though she could not become one. Dyron allowed it, teaching her when he felt she was old and smart enough to do so. When she was able to she would be taught by him, and later on Dovan. She never lost her sense for adventure, and as the girl became a young woman she'd frequently explore the hills, rivers and plains of Dorne, with a bodyguard of course. Her mother passing four years ago greatly affected Olira, she was extremely close with her mother and cried more than she ever had the day of her funeral. She's worn her mother's necklace ever since, a simple design with the sigil of House Dayne as a pendant made of silver. She didn't have much to say about the passing of Prince Darnis, finding him a kind but somewhat boring man. Still she was saddened to hear of his death, but is excited that Alran is the new head of Dorne. The approaching threat of the Targaryens across the ocean has frightened her slightly, though she does have unrealistic hopes of being able to go across the sea and fight in the battles there. But her father and Alran would never allow such a thing. Talk has also occurred of her marrying off to another noble family, though she ignores such rumors. Olira has too much of a life to enjoy and places to go to be married to some fat old lord. [/hider] [hider=Ser Dovan Sand] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9e/71/64/9e716435b7f9a2b490e1e3c32add821d--vampire-quotes-severus-snape.jpg[/img] [i]Prince of Dorne Anointed knight[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Ser Dovan Sand, 19 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] The bastard son of Prince Dyron Martell, Dovan is a recently anointed knight who is known for his talent with a blade. He tries his best to exemplify the knight's code, trying to bring honor to the Martell name. In Dorne he is treated no differently than trueborn royalty despite his status as a bastard. He is sensitive to remarks about his bastardry and it's easy to anger him with such comments. He's overly cocky in his own abilities, while he is an excellent swordsman there are others better than he is, but he does simply not believe it. He's hot headed with a fierce temper, utterly unable to accept defeat. He's not exactly a religious man, though he does believe in some sort of higher power. He's a homosexual, though no one knows this secret except for his half-sister, Olira. It is something he is keen on keeping a secret. The two share an extremely close bond and she is the person he trusts most in the world. [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [/hider] [b][color=orange]Background[/color] [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Self-explanatory. Please detail the recent history of your house here, up until the present date, 370AC. [b][color=orange]Relations[/color] [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b][list] [*][b]House Velaryon[/b] [indent]The Martells and Velaryons enjoy positive relations due to a previous marriage. Alran and Dasina's mother was Alyssa Velaryon, the younger sister of the current lord of House Velaryon, Lord Aethan. Alran has also had a close friendship with the current Velaryon heir since childhood, the boy having fostered at Sunspear for a time[/indent] [*][b]House Estermont[/b] [indent]The Martells have friendly relations with the Estermonts, which has lead to trade between the houses. House Estermont is allowed free travel between the Sea of Dorne, and is allowed to dock at Dornish ports for a reduced cost. Lord Edam Estermont has visited Dorne in the past, his mother was a member of House Jordayne who are vassals to the Martells. The late Prince Darnis Martell was friends with Edam, and Prince Alran has also had friendly conversations with Lord Edam. [/indent] [/list] [/hider] WIP [hider=House Royce] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/2/25/WappenHausRois.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20160527074721&path-prefix=de[/img] [h3]House Royce[/h3] "We Remember"[/center] [hr] [b]Synopsis [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] General & brief information about your chosen house. [b]Realm [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Detail the military strength of your house, as well as any other relevant information about the region in which your house is located. If you are writing for a Great House, you may list vassal houses here. [b]Important Members [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [list] [*] Lord Nathal Royce [*] Gannon Royce [*] Ser Rodner Royce [*] Keegan Royce [/list] [hider=Lord Nathal Royce] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/cd/a7/b8cda74915cb5c7d492b90978088cd4a.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Lord of Runestone[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Nathal Royce, 62 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Gannon Royce] [center][img]http://es.web.img2.acsta.net/c_300_300/pictures/15/08/21/17/01/454385.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Officer of the Night's Watch[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Gannon Royce, 40 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Ser Rodner Royce] [center][img]https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/4bdeb888f738a275bae210831ba7f13d/5BC7B2E9/t51.2885-15/e35/c0.107.860.860/s480x480/26276677_355137151563196_3899952853069856768_n.jpg?efg=eyJ1cmxnZW4iOiJ1cmxnZW5fZnJvbV9pZyJ9[/img][/center] [center][i]Knight of the Kingsguard[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Rodner Royce, 34 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Keegan Royce] [center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk2ODk0MTYzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDQ3MDMwNzE@._V1_UY317_CR131,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [i]Heir to the Lordship of Runestone[/i][/center] [b]Name/Age [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Keegan Royce, 26 [b]Reputation [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [b]History [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] [/hider] [b]Background [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] Self-explanatory. Please detail the recent history of your house here, up until the present date, 370AC. [b]Relations [color=#999898]▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/b] If your house has any important relations with other houses outside of your own region, you may detail the nature of these relations here. [b]House TBC 2[/b] [indent]Example information about relations between House TBC and TBC 2 here.[/indent] [/hider] also WIP