Lawrence placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder and squeezed gently as he heard what was needed to be done to leave the Void. The Red Doors were the reason Lawrence avoided place. Not for him, though, for Olivia. Her form wavered as Angel went on, flickering between a frightened girl and a soldier of AMRO. He grimaced at Kiara's comment, leaning in to whisper into Olivia's ear as Kiara walked into her Red Door. [color=#4AC948]"That's not going to happen. Remember, and repeat this; You are in control. No matter what happens on the other side of the door, you are in control."[/color] Olivia's flickering stopped and she nodded. [color=#8E8E38]"I am in control,"[/color] she repeated in a mantra under her breath as she walked forward. A red door materialized in front of her and she stopped, flickering for a second before she shook her head and entered her Red Door. Lawrence sighed and walked forward, his own Door appearing in front of him. He turned the knob and walked in. There was blood everywhere. Bodies were strewn across the deck of Innocence. Limbs and heads without their bodies and a low toned hum rumbled through the air. A large work bench covered in photos was the only thing in the room not covered in blood. Lawrence approached the bench. He picked up a photo. A black and white picture of a man with a phone to his ear, a red X crossed out his head in marker. Lawrence flipped the photo and read the writing on the back. [i][center]June 18th, 1999 1000 yards. Not a sound made[/center][/i] Lawrence vaguely remembered that target. It wasn't until after he became an Asylum that he stopped keeping a tab on his successful marks. Hundreds of photos lay on the table. Hundreds, maybe thousands of times he used Alchemy before he was an Asylum. The pieces of a shattered Rubik's Cube lay scattered across the bench. Lawrence moved away from the bench and crossed the deck. Scorch marks and cracks dotted the transparent floor between bodies. In the center of all the chaos lay two bodies; his own, and Olivia's. How close was he? Was it years? Months? Days? Seconds? If he somehow managed to get under the radar when he snapped. He knew that Olivia would follow him without hesitation. Lawrence sighed. It was inevitable. His only hope was that they AMRO learns something from Cade and Samad. His door opened appeared in front of him. He opened it and left, feeling much more tired than he had been when he started his journey in the Void. [hr] Olivia was surrounded by darkness. She reached out in front of her and her hand hit something padded. Panic rising in her throat, she felt along the wall and quickly discovered that she was back in her old room in that [i]awful[/i] place. She was back. She leaned back against the wall and slid down to the floor, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around her knees. Time meant nothing in the pitch blackness. Had she spent hours here? Days? The speaker in the roof crackled to life and a voice she hadn't heard in years filled the room. "You should really stop trying to escape." Olivia covered her ears, but the sound reached her anyway. "Nothing will come of it except pain and punishment." No! Olivia shook her head side to side. "You're so close to breaking through. We will rid this world of its innocence and start anew, and you are our key." Olivia raised her head. These were words that had been said to her time and again, But they now held a nuance that she had missed as a child. "We will mold you to be our tool. You have no say in this." As a child? Wasn't she still- "Control is power and you have none." Something clicked in Olivia's mind. [i]Control.[/i] She had control. She was no longer a child locked in a padded room by twisted people. She was a damn good hunter now and could probably give these bastards a run for their money. She looked up at the ceiling [color=#8E8E38]"Shut up."[/color] She whispered softly. The speaker turned to static. She sang a small song and a light flickered to life above her. Now that she could see, she reached up into her hair and grabbed Thorne. She used the hairpin tunred small dagger to rip a sigil into the padded wall. The wall blew outward with a bang, filling the room with harsh florescent light. A Red Door stood in front of her. She opened it and left her room. Now she was back in the library with the others. Lawrence looked tired and much older than he was before she went into her Red Door. He gave Olivia a tight lipped smile as she returned. Olivia glared at Angel as she put her hair pin back in and folded her arms. [color=#8E8E38]"It seems we're done. Can we get back to the real world now?"[/color]