Haven't finished all of the character bios yet, but most everything else is done. [hider=House Tully][center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHHLtC8VYAAdRWt.jpg[/img] [hr] [h2][b][color=red]F A M I L Y . D U T Y . H O N O R .[/color][/b][/h2] [hr] [/center] [b][color=red][h3]Leadership:[hr][/h3][/color][/b] Edwyn Tully is the Lord Paramount of the Trident and the head of House Tully. He has ruled the Riverlands since his father, Aeron, passed away twelve years ago. His time as lord has been as shaky as one could expect- Riverlords are a quarrelsome, selfish lot, unwilling to bend the knee so easily. Their quiet ambitions and corruption keep the rivers soaked red with the blood of dissenters, unruly smallfolk and rivals alike. Edwyn fights to keep everything under control using sword, coin and wedding band to keep the other Houses in line. It feels like a losing battle, however, as the whispers of rebellion and the vile desires of potential usurpers rise up from every corner of the Riverland. [b][color=red][h3]Prominent Characters:[hr][/h3][/color][/b] [hider=Tully Family Tree] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cz4IJ5f.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Edmyn Tully's Line] [hider=Edmyn Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Edmyn Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i0.wp.com/www.nouse.co.uk/wp-content/article_images/body/2015/02/wolfhallep5-5.jpg?fit=1200%2C800&w=640[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord Paramount of the Trident [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 44 [b][color=red]Relation to Main Line:[/color][/b] Patriarch [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Edmyn Tully was the favored son of Aeron Tully, and it showed. Where his brother Symon and his sisters were allowed to spend their free time playing in the godswood, Edmyn was either clashing wooden swords with Ser Kedge Grey or studying literature under the newly christened Maester Markas. He was pressed to always do better; even when Edmyn pleaded that he was trying his hardest, his teachers were instructed to push him even further. It was not an easy or enjoyable childhood, but it forged Edmyn like the fires of a dragon's breath. He was made a talented warrior and an even better statesman, though he struggles with the finer workings of diplomacy. Edmyn's heart holds more sway than his head in most cases, often putting himself in precarious situations that he relies on others to drag him out of. He lacks that certain edge most other lords seem to have that allow them to make callous decision for the betterment of the house or the realm as a whole. He's slow to make sacrifices or to walk on the toes on others, attempting (and often failing) to please all parties possible. The other Lords- Renard Frey and Otho Bracken in particular- see Edmyn as a weak Lord Paramount, often ignoring his commands or working to directly oppose them. It angers Edmyn that he can't seem to keep the other Riverlords in line, choosing to blame their ambition over his own inability to act decisively. Recently, however, he has been working to fix that. Under the guidance of the more experienced Lord Erner Piper- his father-in-law and partial mentor- Edmyn fights to reform his rule into one even the Freys will grow to respect in time. [/hider] [hider=Claere Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Claere Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/methode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F0a4d6a2c-2752-11e7-933a-61a442ce1c31.jpg?crop=2667%2C1500%2C0%2C0&resize=685[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lady of Riverrun [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 40 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Wife of Edmyn [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Claere Piper first met Edmyn Tully during a Riverlands tourney. Edmyn and his brother were both fighting for the honor of their house when Edmyn came up against Quincy Piper, Claere's older brother and a man with a big mouth and a bigger sword arm. Edmyn won, though he was far bloodier than his opponent in the end. Claere, impressed by his performance, tended to his wounds and spent the remainder of the tourney at his side. The two continued to meet, each working to convince their parents to allow a marriage between the two of them. Aeron- ever the pragmatist- was difficult to convince. But Claere's father- a romantic at heart- managed to sway him with all of the promises he could muster. Once Edmyn's father was convinced, the two were wed, almost immediately siring a child of their own. Claere took her role as the mother of the next Lord Paramount incredibly seriously, doing her absolute best to assure her son would grow up to be all the man that her husband was. She has a significant voice in the affairs of House Tully and House Piper, offering 'advice' to both her husband and even on occasion her own father if the situation is more socially geared than either Lord is used to. Claere has mastered the art of attending to guests at Riverrun, commanding the force of servants and attendants with a brutal sort of efficiency. Many can attest to the grandiose nature of Tully weddings and the hospitality of the staff. [/hider] [hider=Robin Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Robin Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.b3tfFFi93_igy4ZYJNtCtwHaJ4[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Heir of the Trident [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 20 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b]Firstborn Son of Edmyn [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] As heir of Lord Paramount, many of the same expectations pressed onto Robin's father have fallen onto his son's shoulders. He spends the bulk of his time crossing swords with the Master-at-Arms and the Captain of the Guard, sharpening his skills in the hopes of becoming the finest swordsman Riverrun had ever seen. He's far off from his goal, but Robin shows more promise than most other members of his house. He takes well to matters of war, including the arts of riding and jousting. He is far less adept at matters of the mind and the state. Robin's studies bore him, and he has little interest in reading anything that isn't a romanticized tale of chivalry and heroism. The art of finessing a conversation falls on deaf ears no matter how many times the Maester attempts to teach Robin, and his ability to lead can be described as 'lacking' at best and 'a dishonor on his house' at worst. Being heir of the Lord Paramount might have its perks, but Robin finds the pressure and exceptions to be...exhausting. He enjoys the wealth and the women but finds the lectures and tight clothes choking. If he had his way, he'd be gallivanting around the Riverlands as a Hedge Knight, like the old stories his mother used to read to him. Leadership bores him, and he knows that he isn't cut of the same cloth that his father is. Still, Robin knows that there's no fighting destiny, so he tries his best to stay the path and not disappoint the people he cares about the most. He spent much of his youth fighting in tourneys across the seven kingdoms alongside his friends and companions Ronald Rivers and Sebastion Baratheon, even riding alongside king Galladon himself at times. The foursome were of one mind in many ways, differing rarely in their views of leadership and chivalry; the only oddity was the bastard boy, who must've had it in his head that [i]he[/i] was king, and not Galladon, given how he spoke so passionately of Galladon's responsibility to the kingdom. Robin was far from the best warrior of the bunch, finding himself outmatched often by the far more gifted trio, but on occasion, the Seven would grant him a victory or two to feed his easily bruised ego. [/hider] [hider=Curtas Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Curtas Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Ty+Simpkins+Los+Angeles+World+Premiere+Marvel+55teSIUiL6al.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b]Twins with Helenys, Second Son of Edmyn [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Curtas is the polar opposite of his older brother in almost every way. Whereas Robin seeks the thrills of combat and disdains the whims of the state, Curtas thrives in the courts of lords. He took to his studies like a fish takes to water, diving head first into books on mathematics and language even as a mere boy. Even as he grew, Curtas found himself more at home in Riverrun's library or in its court than in the courtyard with the other boys. Swords felt awkward and heavy in his hand; but a pen was far simpler to wield, he found. The Tully kids used to enjoy playing at being lords and ladies in the godswood whenever they could shirk off their other duties. Celia and Helenys pretended to be ladies in waiting, while Robin always wished to be the bravest and strongest of Westeros's knights. Oliver fancied himself a better huntsman than any Northerner, and Cynthea- the odd one of the bunch- always insisted on being something queer like a witch or a dragon. Curtas, though? Curtas would never be satisfied unless they let him be [i]king.[/i] It was a desire that only grew stronger in his heart as he left the fake thronerooms and great halls of his imagination and stepped into those of House Piper and House Darry. Curtas was never more excited than when Edmyn first brought him to meet Lord Piper, or when he traded words with the daughter of Lord Bracken. It was his first night escorting the rest of the family to such a feast, but it was all the proof Curtas needed: he knew where he belonged. He wasn't like his brothers or even his father. He was no swordsman. He was no 'man of chivalry.' Curtas learned how to lie- how to twist the truth to his advantage. He learned when to play to another man's ego and when to knock it down. He learned the intricacies of diplomacy and the art of manipulation that so many other men had used to take advantage of his father in the past. He began to write and orate in his free time, even fancying himself something of a poet when the muse struck him. Curtas fully believes himself the best candidate to take his father's title; he's certainly a better option than his older brother. Curtas would never admit how jealous he is of Robin. The envy festers deep in his heart, taking root with each passing day that Curtas feels his skills go unutilized. His resentment wasn't saved for his older brother alone, however; Sebastion Baratheon, a close friend of his brother's, seemed to think he could 'fix' whatever part of Curtas was broken. His cure was always some new, escalatingly depravity that would sully Curtas's honor. He always had some new drink or some new whore to offer the boy, as if debasing himself would somehow help Curtas overcome the indignity of living in the shadow of his idiot father. It only worked to foster further resentment in the boy's heart. [/hider] [hider=Oliver Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Oliver Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/b88vXzu.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 15 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Third Son of Edmyn [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Oliver took to the godswood better than any of his siblings or cousins. He liked to spend his days climbing its limbs and watching the squirrels forage for food as a boy. For years his best friend in the world was the gardener that would answer any and all of his questions about the woods, the animals and everything else that inhabited it. When he had grown old enough to go out on his own, Oliver liked to ride out passed Riverrun and camp in the wilds. He would try to stay out as long as he could every time, hoping to break whatever record he had set the previous day. It started at mere hours, but by the time he was thirteen, Oliver had learned how to survive on his own for three days straight. His mother had scolded him harshly when the guards eventually found out where he had gone to and dragged him back to Riverrun, locking him in his room for two and a half weeks. His interest grew with age as he began to turn away from his usual studies, spending more time with the lowborn woodsmen on some days than he did with his own family. His mother looked down on Oliver's behavior, but Edmyn shrugged it off; so long as Oliver continued to study, he was fine with his son's more...eccentric friends. Oliver has grown especially fond of hunting, developing skills in archery and riding above that of even Robin. The two go out hunting together at times, bringing along Cynthea whenever they can tear her away from mother and the Septa. Oliver considers those two his closest friends, even above the castle hunters that taught him most of what he loves. Friendly and outgoing, Oliver takes to the peasants and commoners the best out of his siblings, though he struggles to keep his tongue around other nobility. He sees people like his brother Curtas as horribly arrogant and narcissistic types; they care more about their fancy clothes and fancy talk than about taking care of the people they rule over. Oliver's glad his father doesn't force him to behave as 'properly' as he does Robin and the girls; his position as youngest allows him the greatest degree of autonomy. [/hider] [hider=Celia Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Celia Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8a/e4/c5/8ae4c56cf6de31c9a57d52453c0426da--karen-gillen-arien.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Eldest Daughter of Edmyn, Wife of Sebastion Baratheon [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Celia never wanted to be anything more or less than an exact, carbon copy of her mother. As a little girl she demanded to be dressed in the same clothes, have her hair braided in the same manner, and to be taught how to do all of the things Claere could do. She would follow her mother around to everything, quietly absorbing her mannerisms, speech and actions. She was more than simple role model. Claere was almost an outright obsession. Thankfully Celia managed to mostly grow out of it by the time she hit her teenage years, though she would never stop seeking her mother out for advice when a particularly difficult problem reared its head. She found herself spending a great deal of her time with Curtas and Helenys. They were the three most interested in the dealings of noblemen and noblewomen, taking to the courts of the other houses to call on potential suitors. Feasts and tourneys were as common in the Riverlands as rain. Celia enjoyed it, for the most part. The pomp and socializing was a good deal of fun, though she occasionally found the more...underhanded workings of it all distasteful. She preferred charming boys and apple pie to backroom deals and sly whispers, though her mother assured her that Celia could not have one without the other. Her life took a turn when she was married off to Sebastion Baratheon and moved from Riverrun down to Storm's End, though she didn't spend much time in its high walls; her husband's near-obsession with tourneys and competition meant that they spent nearly as much time traveling as they did at home. It was an enjoyable life, but it couldn't last, for Celia was discovered to be with child. She returned to Storm's End, her husband called off to war in Essos as she prepared for the child that grew in her womb. [/hider] [hider=Helenys Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Helenys Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uVlDAdy.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Twins with Curtas, Daughter of Edmyn, Wife of Lucan Darry [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Helenys is the fiercest of Claere's daughters by a wide margin, taking to the dagger and a sharp wit far better than either Celia or Cynthea could ever hope to. Even as a child she was something of a trickster, quick to play a joke and pass it off as the fault of one of her other siblings. She was quick on her feet in more ways than one, practically running circles around the castle's uneducated servants and playing them for fools to entertain herself. Her troublemaking ways were a headache the rest of her family wouldn't put up with as she got older, forcing Helenys to grow and change how she approached the world and those around her. She evolved her tricks to be more subtle and profitable the older she got, gambling with weighted dice and learning how best to get others to do her bidding. She started out mostly harmless in how she used her craft, though with each success she grew bolder and played riskier games. It all came to a head when she attempted to bed the son of Lord Mootoon in order to relieve him of his coin purse. She was caught, of course, and the drama that followed nearly split the house in two. It did, however, bring her particular skill set to the attention of her cousin- and Riverrun's steward- Evin Wode. He was quick to put her skills to work, employing the daughter of his lord as a spy. She would keep her ears open as she danced about the courts with Curtas and Celia, reporting back what gossip she heard to Evin. It helped alleviate a good deal of the boredom she suffered when at court; it was quite fun learning how to turn people's tongues against themselves. Once her skills were finely honed, the steward went to work convincing Lord Edmyn to marry her to the son of Lord Darry, one Lucan Darry, to secure an alliance between their two historically divided houses. Her real purpose there, however, was to gather what information she could within Darry and send it back to Evin in coded letters. [/hider] [hider=Cynthea Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Cynthea Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Emilia+Jones+Brimstone+Premiere+73rd+Venice+Aizkg07jZVFl.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 16 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Daughter of Edmyn [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Cynthea Tully is the redheaded stepchild of the family. Much like her brother Oliver she was positively obsessed with Riverrun's godswood as a child, though not for the same reasons he was. Where Oliver chased the squirrels and wondered at the plants and trees, Cynthea was captivated by the heart tree that lay in its center. There was something about that creepy, frowning face carved into that bone white bark that she couldn't get out of her head. She questioned her Septa about the faith of the old gods often, much to the old woman's chagrin, and Cyn often found herself fantasizing about such frivolous things as dragon, magic, and skinchangers. She'd often ask her Maester about the higher mysteries, though he would rarely indulge such questions- he would always try to convince the Tully girl that magic had died long ago, but she would refuse to listen without fail. As she grew she would often spend her days with Oliver wandering the woods, proclaiming proudly that she was preparing for her journey to meet the wild men beyond the wall even as she grew too exhausted to spend a full day out in the forest. She liked to believe that some of her dreams were a work of prophesy, though when pressed, Cynthea admitted she had no idea what any of it could possibly mean. Her family did their best to push her away from such nonsense, but even as a grown woman she continues to show a fascination with the strange and impossible- she's only gotten better at hiding it. Cynthea's 'visions' offered her a glimpse at her future husband: Ronald, the bastard son of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Seeing him but once in her dreams was enough to convince Cynthea that she and the boy that had warded with her uncle since he was eight were meant to be together. She became so utterly, inescapably enthralled that she did little more but follow at his heel like a lost pup until the day he left Riverrun for greater things. Even when he had gone away to King's Landing, Cynthea refused to move on to other suitors, fighting her mother tooth and nail to stay unwed until the day Ronald returned for her. Her unruly behavior and odd beliefs have made Cynthea a less than desirable wife, pushing away potential suitors that might come looking for the hand of the Lord Paramount's daughter. She shows little care toward the responsibility she has toward her family, her house and her realm, choosing to remain in her childish fantasies no matter how they push or press her. Her father has received no shortage of criticism for allowing her to indulge in such things, but Edmyn has thus far refused to confront her about it, proving once more his weakness as a leader. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Symon Tully's Line] [hider=Symon Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Symon Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://www.inclusivenetworks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ripperst1.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Ser [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 42 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Brother to Edmyn, Landed Knight [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Much like his brother, the Lord Paramount, Symon was raised to be a chivalrous and dutiful man that put family, justice, and honor above all else. The two were practically inseparable from the day Symon was born. Their youth was spent growing and learning in tandem, each jockeying to prove he was the better at whatever task had been presented to them. Symon proved himself the better with a sword, but Edymn was always the swifter runner and rider. Their competition even extended into dotting on the same daughter of Lord Piper. Symon lost that fight when his brother unseated him in a jousting match. Humiliated by his defeat, Symon left the tournament altogether, riding out onto the open road where he just so happened to pass by the procession of House Mallister. It was that chance meeting that brought him and Salna together. Symon, as he grew older, went on to be introduced to Ser Kagan Chambers by his father. Kagan was a brutally efficient warrior that had gained no small degree of infamy for his work in removing the blight of rowdy, rebellious peasants a few decades earlier. He was to be Symon's new teacher, replacing the man that had trained both him and Edmyn before. Chambers's attitude did not match his reputation. Though he pushed hard to help Symon improve, Kagan offered encouragement rather than discipline. Symon used that training to hone his craft until his skill far eclipsed that of his brother. He went on to be knighted, joining the ranks of the Bannermen of House Tully. Something changed in Symon. Perhaps it was something instilled within him during his time with Chambers, or perhaps it had always been nestled deep within the darkness of his heart; when he looked at his brother, sitting on his throne and failing to earn it, Symon felt nothing but rage and indignation at being passed over. Despite all of his strength and all he had achieved, he was still seen as lesser than his brother because he was born second. Symon began to push himself harder than should've been possible. He spent every waking hour challenging anyone who could hold a sword or couch a lance to fight him. Through grit and vainglory, he beat each and every man who stood before him into submission, mastering the art of most brutal combat. No knight nor lord in the Riverlands could hope to best him. Anyone that [i]did[/i] manage to outdo Symon was challenged again and again and again until he improved enough to overcome them. He took those skills and put them to use on the battlefield, seeking out bandits and belligerents to put to the sword in a fit of terrifying fury. For his exploits in service of the region, he was given a small holdfast not far from Riverrun to call his own. There he had his sons, Coren and Ethon. That was when the boy arrived. Tytos's little bastard boy from the Crownlands, sent to Riverrun to learn under it's greatest knight. It took a degree of arm-twisting from his brother, but Symon eventually agreed to take young Ronald as his squire. Using many of the techniques Chambers had used to train him when he was a boy, Symon began the slow, painful process of teaching an eight-year-old how to be a knight. Though cold to him at first, Ronny managed to win Symon over through his determination and plucky charm; in some ways, Ronald was more like Symon's first son than Coren. [/hider] [hider=Salna Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Salna Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://dazedimg.dazedgroup.netdna-cdn.com/786/azure/dazed-prod/1190/6/1196373.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lady [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 43 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Wife of Symon, Sister of Petyr [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Salna Tully is a force to be reckoned with in the Riverlands, holding a surprising degree of influence in both House Mallister and House Tully. Though she holds no official office and is the wife of a mere knight, Salna's reputation for an unshakable resolve and a striking mind for detail give her a seat at most tables. She's never been known to forget anything, no matter how seemingly trivial or small. Knowledge is rarely enough to make one great, however; Salna's ability to utilize said knowledge is what makes so formidable a matriarch. Some even whisper that she has more pull on her younger brother, the Lord of House Mallister, than anyone else in the Riverlands. Despite all of this, she is far from infallible. Salna finds her weakness in her cold and detached nature. She struggles to relate to the rest of her family, finding their devotion to blood almost...bizzare. Her children and her marriage both suffer because of this. Salna's sons and daughter scarcely receive any love or warmth from their mother; if there is any to find, it's only when Salna compliments them on their accomplishments, and even that is quite rare. Her husband, Symon, grows increasingly frustrated with her inability to relate to his struggles. [/hider] [hider=Coren Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Corren Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://howtobearedhead.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/marc-goldfinger.jpg.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Ser [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Son of Symon and Knight of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Coren was just a boy when Ronald Rivers arrived and stole away Coren's father from him. It was a gradual thing. At first, their dynamic had barely changed; Ronald was little more than an oddity at the dinner table and a new subject for Symon to rant about in private. But as days dragged on into months and then years, the bastard began to take up more and more of Symon's time, leaving less of it for Coren and his younger siblings. In his desperation, Coren began to act out in order to draw his father's ire- even anger was better than simple apathy. It wasn't until Ronald had been knighted and it was Coren's time to begin squiring underneath Symon that their relationship saw any positive progress. Coren, as hot-blooded and bold as his father, had no qualms with explaining his frustration to his father, letting Symon know that he felt neglected and shirked. Realizing his error, Symon attempted to rectify it- and in his earnest desire to reconnect with his eldest son shoved his other two children even further from his mind. After years of feeling left behind, Coren was finally allowed to spend time with his father. He was eager to prove himself 'worthy' of that attention, throwing himself so fully into his training that he gave no time to anything else. Symon's unmatched abilities as a knight were impossible to live up to, but nonetheless, Coren fought tooth and nail to keep from disappointing Symon. His dedication- much like Ronald's- impressed Symon. After knighting his firstborn, however, Symon once more had to shift his focus to his second in Ethon. This infuriated Coren; he had tied his identity so tightly around the adoration of his father that he felt nothing but a white-hot rage whenever he saw Symon training Ethon rather than him. So Coren, in his anger, set out to ensure that Ethon could not 'steal' their father's attention away from him... [/hider] [hider=Ethon Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Ethon Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/bcbcc871c9a728d0ad32f78ec6468a69/tumblr_oxpto6rPHV1rl8yvho1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Squire, 'The River Phoenix' [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Son and Squire to Symon Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Ethon was never as bold as his older brother, so when the time came that their father began to obsess over Coren rather than Ronald, Ethon didn't have it in him to object as Coren once had. So Ethon sat, silent and sullen, with a mother that cared little for him and a father that seemed incapable of loving more than one child at once. He spent his youth living in Coren's shadow, his disgust for his family festering like a tumor that grew with every passing day of being overlooked. By the time it was his turn to squire underneath Symon, Ethon was already so far gone that he didn't wish to spend a single second in Symon's presence. But he didn't have the spine to object; so he swallowed his indignation and pretended like it was an [i]honor[/i] to finally be treated like he was actually Symon's child for once in his life. When the day came that Coren received his title and Ethon's reluctant squireship began, Coren was already beginning to formulate his plot for how he might earn back the attention of their father. He schemed in the background, watching Ethon's progress as a squire with no small degree of anger. Coren knew Ethon better than the younger boy thought. Coren had been watching his brother for years, and he knew the disdain that Ethon held for how Symon treated them. For a long time, Coren had agreed with how he felt; yet, now that Coren had tasted of Symon's approval, he wasn't willing to let it slip away. Ethon's hate was not mitigated by his squiring under their father. He was squandering the time they spent together, brooding like he was a Blackwood and not the student of the Riverland's greatest warrior. It infuriated Coren, and he refused to watch Symon sully his reputation by giving such a worthless excuse for a son this much attention. So Coren set the trap and waited for his meeker brother to step right into it. The only member of the family that Ethon had any seemingly normal relationship with was his younger sister, Lyn. The two of them had been left to their own devices as children, never given anything more than an occasional glance by their parents. They'd often set out into the fields around the holdfast to play together as children. Even when they grew older, they would still retreat away from those cold halls to vent their frustrations to one another. It was an innocent thing, and everyone around the keep knew it. Until Coren decided it wasn't. He ambushed Ethon and Lyn on the banks of the Red Fork with a group of 'witnesses'; little more than thuggish friends that would go along with the lie he had conceived of. Coren accused them of incest and ordered Ethon to surrender his sword and be brought before their father to be stripped of his squireship. Ethon, shocked and angry, vehemently recanted the accusation. Coren pressed the issues, but Ethon refused to budge, so Coren threw him into the river. Ethon rose up out of the Red Fork several times, only to be knocked back down into its muddy waters again and again and again. Lyn, unable to watch the abuse any longer, pleaded with Ethon to draw his weapon and defend himself. He did, and Coren was eager to meet him, the two brothers coming to blows. Their fight brought them down the banks of the river and into its shallow waters, where Coren proved his superiority with frightening ease. He beat Ethon's face with the hilt of his blade, ending the fight with a long, ugly slash that ran down Ethon's face. He earned his title of 'River Phoenix' that day; a humiliating reminder of his weakness and the stain that accusation put on his family's honor. [/hider] [hider=Lyn Tully] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Lyn Tully[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nWCmbPn.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 14 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Daughter of Symon Tully, promised to Horus Wode [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Lyn was caught in the middle of a fierce and vicious fight between her brothers and found herself and her reputation both literally and figuratively dragged through the mud for it. Coren used her friendship with Ethon as a weapon against him, taking them both before their father with cries of incest and indignity upon his lips. Of course he had his gang of thuggish friends to take his side. Lyn attempted to plead her case, but Symon knew so little about her that when the time came he knew not if he could trust her words. Symon, erring on the side of caution, decided to put both on house arrest while he looked in on the matter; he forbade anyone of speaking of these accusations, on pain of meeting the edge of his sword. It wasn't difficult for Lyn to assume her father would side with his favored son over his two neglected children. She tried to convince her mother that she'd never done anything with Ethon, but Salna was aloof from the situation; she wished to stay 'objective,' and cared only about how they might save the reputation of their house while still seeing justice done in some sense of the word. She cared little for how the outcome affected her daughter personally. Lyn shouldn't have been surprised by how she responded, but it still hurt her deeply. With no one else to turn to and desperate to see the madness end, Lyn took matters into her own hands. She slipped away from the holdfast in the dead of knight, stealing a horse from the stable and making for Riverrun where she fell into the arms of the her cousin, Robin. She told him all of what had happened. Robin, noble of heart and seeing a chance to prove his chivalry, took her to his father and acted as her advocate. Edmyn wasted little time in confronting his younger brother directly, using his authority as the Lord Paramount to squash the entire debacle. Of course the rumors still persist even to this day; those disquieted voices of other River Lords whisper of how Edmyn hides incest within his own house only serve to further the divide between House Tully and it's vassals. [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Allies of House Tully] [hider=Kagan Chambers] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Kagan Chambers[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://pairsblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/jeff-bridges.jpg?w=640[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Ser [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 51 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Master-At-Arms at Riverrun [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Ser Kagan Chambers is the the old war hound of House Tully, having served the line of the Lord Paramount since he was just fifteen years old. House Chambers's power had waned over the years, steadily declining in prestige as it's lord took more to whoring and drinking than leading his holdfast. Kagan is the second son of the latest lord. As a boy, he first came into contact with the Tullys when he was taken to Riverrun by his father and offered as a squire to Ser Kedge Grey, an honorable knight under the banner of House Tully of some renown. Kagan wasn't all too thrilled to work under Grey, finding his methods to be cruel and unmerciful. He was often tasked with menial labor that most serfs would groan at. It was back-breaking, unappreciated work, but he wasn't ever given the option to quit or complain. He had to stomach that same sort of treatment for nearly eight years when he was finally granted knighthood and allowed to operate with independence for the first time. Kagan earned his stripes bloodying his hands against peasant rebellions along the Trident. It was dark, stomach-churning work, but Lord Aeron Tully- the Lord Paramount at the time- refused to approach the uprisings with anything less than the edge of the sword. Though Chambers had never been a true serf, he found himself identifying more with the lower men than the supposed nobles that he was meant to call his peers. He only grew more disillusioned with the powers-that-be as time went on, though he never voiced his dissent to anyone for fear of repercussions. His opinions changed when he was first introduced to Edmyn. The boy was little like his father: where Aeron was cold and unbending, Edmyn was friendly and accommodating. He joked and mingled with the guardsmen and servants as much as he did with his blue blood family. He seemed to hold a similar disdain for the overly cruel Ser Grey as Kagan did. The two became quick friends, only growing closer as the years went on and Edmyn grew into his post as Lord Paramount of the Trident. Edmyn had no other choice than Chambers when it came time to replace Grey as Master-at-Arms. Chambers has served the family faithfully since then, though the spite of his youth has a tendency to rear it's head whenever the more arrogant lords and noble folk ride into Riverrun. He has similarly warm relationships with the young men of House Tully and many of it's other sworn knights as he had with Edmyn. Kagan has something of a reputation for taking on squires from lower positions in society than most would find acceptable. A number of nasty rumors abound about the master because of this sort of charity, some of them striking closer to his heart than others. [/hider] [hider=Markas] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Markas[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9d/9a/f5/9d9af559df3736c008ab692186687d48.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Maester [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 64 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Maester at Riverrun [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Markas has been the Maester at Riverrun since Lord Edmyn was but a boy. He's an intelligent man, eager to teach and even more eager to serve his liege. He can be a bit...out of touch in his old age, seemingly stuck in the world of thirty years ago and unable to move on; Markas has a habit of forgetting his place and speaking to Lord Tully like Edmyn is still one of his pupils and not the Lord Paramount of the Trident. But Markas is a well meaning, kind and patient man, so his more odd behavior is easily forgotten. [/hider] [hider=Evin Wode] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Evin Wode[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mafia/images/b/bb/254551.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081020005301[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Steward [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 24 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Nephew to Edmyn Tully, Steward of Riverrun [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] The cunning mind that keeps all of the Riverlands from falling apart at the seams. He is Edmyn Tully's primary advisor on all matters of state. It's almost a fact that when Evin Wode speaks, his lord will act on it before anyone else has a chance to so much as argue. If Evin was a man of lesser integrity, he has no doubt that he could abuse Edmyn's trust in whatever ways he sees fit. But the steward of Riverrun was raised to be a better man than that, so he acts to the benefit of his master on most occasions. 'Overworked' is an understated way of describing Evin on his best day. He does practically everything around Riverrun, acting as statesman, diplomat, treasurer and spymaster all in one. Evin isn't known for trusting anyone to do anything as well as he could, so he refuses to deligate even the most meager of tasks; this often leaves him exhausted, ragged and perpetually irritated whenever anything goes even slightly wrong. [/hider] [hider=Saben Tower] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Saben Tower[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://cdn1us.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeekus/files/styles/main_wide/public/2017/08/pilgrimage.png?itok=FDQZRRgK[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Ser [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 35 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Knight of Tully, Captain of the Guard at Riverrun [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Saban Tower's wife died in childbirth when he was only eighteen years old, leaving him alone with a daughter that he had no idea how to properly raise. He sought out the assistance of the former Captain of the Guard at Riverrun, all but begging the man to let him work in Riverrun so that he might give his child a proper bed. The captain took pity on Saban and brought him into the fold. Initially, he was only meant to be a mere man-at-arms, but he showed such a devotion to the work and a surprising talent that the captain decided to take him on as a squire. In only two years Saban earned his knighthood and only fifteen years after that Tower had proven himself a worthy replacement of his mentor, becoming Riverrrun's captain of the guard at thirty-five years old. [/hider] [/hider] [b][color=red][h3]Sworn Houses:[hr][/h3][/color][/b] [color=red][b]Major Houses:[/b][/color] [list] [*][hider=House Bracken][hider=Otho Bracken] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Otho Bracken[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/a1/10/4ea110da18ef6404640b7e51d9ed0819.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord of Bracken [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 40 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] A bitter man that believes the current Lord Paramount is weak and corrupt. He works to undermine Edmyn's authority at every turn, acting as a constant antagonist to House Tully's efforts to unite the Riverlands. Otho supports Ronard Frey in his whispers of rebellion. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Darry][hider=Jasper Darry] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Jasper Darry[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/59b6ee60e7e56cdf1f0cc997a3307040/tumblr_mv31ne7rkR1rdjsbho1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord of Darry [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 37 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] A reluctant ally to the Tully's due to the marriage they've arranged. Jasper is weary of the Freys and Brackens, frightened of their brutality. He seeks to consolidate his position within the Riverlands and shore up his defenses, sensing that civil war could very well be on the horizon. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Frey][hider=Ronard Frey] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Ronard Frey[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/1f/49/5b1f4934be29df11cf767abafe797cbe.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord of Frey [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 34 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] House Frey fell into ruin seventy years ago when Walder, the patriarch at the time, died. His children and relatives squabbled, fought and murdered one another, each vying to take the throne; others foolishly believed that they could dispose House Tully and become the ruling House. After the war ended and Stevron of all people came out the survivor- entirely do to the efforts of Edmure Tully- Frey lost all semblence of prestige it might've once held. It hasn't recovered since, and there's been talk among the rabble that perhaps the Freys are no longer worthy of controlling the Twins. Indignation fuels Ronard as he seeks to make reperations for all slights, both real and perceived; he works to gather support so that he might tear down the Tully's and finally repair the honor of his family name through cruelty and a merciless ambition. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Mallister][hider=Petyr Mallister] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Petyr Mallister[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/english-voice-over/images/b/b9/Gideon_Emery.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20160115134933&path-prefix=sv[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 51 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Petyr Mallister is seen as a weak lord, controlled by House Tully through his elder sister. He serves at the beck and call of the Lord Paramount, rarely ever stepping out of line even when the requests become unreasonable. There are some among his vassals that seek to dispose of him, but Evin Wode's network of spies and cutthroats has managed to silence most dissenters the moment they speak out. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Mootoon][hider=Tylan Mootoon] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Tylan Mootoon[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://www.shotgundigital.com/images/g_image/photo-002131.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 48 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] A cautious man that isn't quick to make even the simpliest of decisions, Tylan does not act until he is sure that he will succeed. Through his wisdom and caution, House Mooton has grown strong both financially and militarily, commanding a surprising number of knights due to the wealth their trade has earned them. He has only committed a small number of them to the War in Essos, however, leaving the majority behind to defend his assets while he rides off to seek glory against the Targaryens. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Piper][hider=Erner Piper] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Erner Piper[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://eternalcrusade.wdfiles.com/local--files/alfred/Alfred2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 64 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b]A close friend and mentor to Edmyn Tully, he's one of the Lord Paramount's staunchest supporters, Erner has promised to keep at his son-in-law's back no matter the circumstance. He's a respected man throughout the Riverlands and even beyond, known for his even temperment and just nature, though he has acrued a small degree of infamy recently as he seems to be drinking quite a bit in his old age. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Ryger][hider=Dalran Ryger] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Dalran Ryger[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/landscape_928x523/2017/06/gettyimages-466420084-h_2017.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 55 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] Dalran Ryger is a man eager to increase his position in the Riverlands. He is far from content with his current holdings in Willow Wood. The wealth of other, larger houses attracts him, yet he believes Ryger incapable of earning that wealth. He seeks to align himself with whichever side offers him the chance to sit upon a mound of gold, and has few morals to keep him grounded to his current lord. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Vance][hider=Jorah Vance] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Jorah Vance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/69/52/aa6952e7b534500acb57e94a340455fb.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] The Frey Rebellion cost both House Vances dearly, and they've yet to recover from the ordeal. Their lands had been burned and salted, and many of their holdings lay in ruin. After the dust had cleared both were united under their only remaining heir. In the decades that followed, the Vances have done all they can to rebuild what was destroyed and replace what was lost, but thus far they remain quite weak. Both House Tully and House Frey have been offering men, food and coin to Jorah Vance to aid them in the rebuilding, each hoping to bring the young lord onto their side. [/hider][/hider] [*][hider=House Wode][hider=Daeron Wode] [hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=red][center]Daeron Wode[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i0.wp.com/www.inpapasbasement.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Raven_Movie_John_Cusack.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Title:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 49 [b][color=red]Relation:[/color][/b] Bannerman of House Tully [b][color=red]Bio:[/color][/b] House Wode has remained loyal to House Tully since the day they were granted Harrenhal as a prize for their loyalty to the Whents, and they've yet to waver in that loyalty even when times grow hard and the Freys press in at every side. Daeron Wode is a man who prizes his honor and duty above all else, seeking only to leave behind a legacy worthy of Harrenhal's ancient history. His primary goal is the rebuilding of Harrenhal, and he's sunk a great deal of his House's resources into the endeavor. With the help of House Mallister's riches and the stone workers of House Tully, he hopes the castle will be fully restored in his young son's lifetime. [/hider][/hider] [/list] [b][color=red][h3]Military Might:[hr][/h3][/color][/b] Rich in resources and richer in men, the Riverlands have always held the potential to thrive and blossom into a powerful region to rival even the Reach. But under the divided, quarrelsome rule of the Riverlords, progress has been crushed underneath their greed. 'Unity' is an empty word thrown around by those who don't understand what the region has become, and the seeds of rebellion continue to fester and bloat just underneath the surface. The only thing that truly brings the noblemen together is the call to war. Promises of bloodshed in the name of vengeance and the prospect of great riches gather all of the banners House Tully commands together, though they rarely serve as a cohesive, singular force. It's a dozen small armies searching for loot and glory pretending to march in unions with one another; in reality, they're as much competing against one another as they are the enemy, though in admittedly far different ways. In a perfect world, the Riverlands could muster forty-five thousand levies to march in the name of Riverrun. But this world is far from perfect, and most houses are reluctant to commit so many to any endeavor that does not directly affect their continued existence. Combined, the many houses usually can muster an army ranging somewhere between one and four thousand men when called upon, depending on the circumstances and current political climate. [/hider]