[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Red Lake B&B[/center][hr][hr] Harry waved back at her as he stepped out of his car. His first instinct was to go up to her and inquire about their family history, if they had any heirlooms or old journals, but he remembered he had other matters at hand. Far more important ones he'd been putting off: his clothes had gotten torn up and bloodied back at the abandoned house, not to mention they were wet from the rain. He was also dirty and hungry. He hadn't had a bite to eat since breakfast that morning. And to top it all off, all that coffee earlier had made its trip down South, and he could use a bit of relief. He could take care of his baser needs first, then resume work on the case. As he approached Mrs. Walker, he explained that he needed to wash up quickly before departing. He made his way up to his room and took the chance to relax to a degree as he waited for the shower to warm up. He inspected the stitches on his leg. They seemed fine enough, but he couldn't let them get wet in the shower so soon after getting them. Harry looked over and noted half a peanut butter sandwich he had sitting in a ziploc bag from a couple days back. Inspection of the sandiwch indicated that it was still in good enough condition to eat. Extracting the foodstuff from the bag, he tore the plastic apart and then taped it over the sewn up wound like a makeshift plastic bandage. The sandwich went straight down his gullet. The shower was a brief affair, mostly to clean himself from the grime sweat and dirt accumulated over the short day. Removing the taped bag from his leg was a much longer, more delicate process, lest he rip out all his leg hair, leaving in their wake painful memories and embarrassing scars. But now clean, dressed and fed, the PI was ready to once again begin work on the case. He made his way back out of his room and down the stairs to see what lay before him.