[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180830/4c2f44f7efbe23306a7381d5222c688e.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/06e8a124bdb92693642cd7ae4a81af974def157f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f61436e6f6a6b6e575456744749413d3d2d3532343838313737372e313530626464353862663465336262633835343731303637393737382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [hr][hr] [color=#8b8b8b][b]Location: The Beach House Interacting With: Missy, Bradley and Spice[/b][/color] [hr][hr] [color=#8b8b8b]”Well you got to remember girl, I don’t take no breaks. Don’t know the meaning of the word”[/color] Dee teased his best friend. The friendship between Dee and Missy was one built on mutual respect. It started as one night of fun at DeShawn’s first Brooklyn party but it evolved far beyond that. They began to cross paths everywhere, the gym, the football field, early morning jogs. The world was throwing them together for a reason; to push each other. Since becoming friends, the two spend most of their time sweating and not in the fun way if you were to ask any sane person. DeShawn and Missy on the other hand had the most fun they could possibly have whilst they were forcing their bodies beyond physical limits. Yet their bond went further than just a love of working out, Dee knew how to settle Missy, to calm the fire that although it made her special, it was also at major risk of burning her up inside. On the flip side, Missy knew how to get past DeShawn’s suit of armour, she knew how to get in his head and knew how to get him to talk, something not a lot of people could manage. Bradley was the third part of their trifecta of gym rats. He was in no way as close to the dancing man as he was to Missy but they were civil enough. If he was truly honest, Dee doesn’t really know how Brad ended up on their routines. He was just kind of there one morning and hung around for the rest of the school year. Did the Dynamic Duo get drunk and invite him? Neither truly remembers but neither truly cares either. Three isn’t a crowd, the more the merrier when it comes to pushing yourself past your limits. [color=#8b8b8b]”Ain’t no thing man, we’re here to have fun. Enjoy your summer”[/color] DeShawn lattes the Tiny Dancer on the shoulder before downing another of Sonny’s shots. They didn’t taste great but they’d do the job. DeShawn glances at the clock and decided it was probably time to put on some clothes and join the others properly in getting ready for the bonfire. Following shortly after Missy up the stairs, he found his friend knocking on the door. He shook his head with a smile and then moved to her side. [color=#8b8b8b]”Mind yourself baybay. I got this”[/color] Dee rescued into his pocket and took out a key to unlock the door. The benefit of sharing a room with his LA love. The dynamic duo entered into the sun kissed room and DeShawn’s face was soon envelopes in the smile that made him famous. He touched his hand to his chin as he looked upon his girl. [color=#8b8b8b]”Ain’t never been a sight that beautiful seen in West Baltimore”[/color] he wrapped his huge arms around Stephanie from behind and kissed her neck. [color=#8b8b8b]”Hey Mami. You lookin’ damn fine, so fine you done got yourself in trouble”[/color] He kisses her again before letting go and walking towards the bathroom. [color=#8b8b8b]”Imma shower, don’t pay me no never mind unless you plan on joining me”[/color] He laughed before leaving. Dee laughing was a rare sight. In fact, any emotion on DeShawns face was suspect. He didn’t talk a lot, he didn’t let a lot of people in. The two women on the other room, those were really the only ones who knew DeShawn Marcus. Everyone else knew Dee the Linebacker. Stephanie had been a godsend as far as getting the Baltimore Bad Boy to open yo his heart. There was still a long way to go but she was chipping away at him slowly. They had played a long game, dancing around each other for the better part of a year. It wasn’t until Dee’s Guardian told him that he had to attend the school prom that he decided to finally stop dancing and ask Steph...to the dance? And from that moment it has blossomed. Even to the point where a lot of Spice’s clique has given them the ship name Dice...Dee hates it but he’s falling in love with her so, it’s a thing. As the piping hot water slightly seared his skin, DeShawn traced his fingers across the huge scar on his left arm. Even just the feel of the raised mark transported him back to Freamont Street and the sound of bullets rattling through his ears. All in the game. It was a phrase he had heard a thousand times before and it wasn’t until that night that it ever truly meant something. He couldn’t go back to that life, he wouldn’t go back to that life. Dee had to do better, he had to be better. He folded his arms around himself and pressed his head against the ceramic tiles, breathing heavily, trying to shake himself free from the horrid memory. It was a world away but it still remained close, always nearby in his head. After finishing his shower, DeShawn dressed himself in a pair of jeans, a grey short sleeved t, tan boots and a sweet watch Spice got him for his birthday. [color=#8b8b8b]”We about ready for this party or what?[/color][/center]