[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Hekazu] You're still in a diner with [@13org], even though I'm not entirely sure the location was specified in terms of distance from the ongoing chaos. I'll have to check again. What do you expect to do in the near future? Want some extra drama to kick in the front door? [i]But not really, maybe.[/i] :P [/quote] Not a diner actually, a bar if it can be called such. A drinking hole, at the very least. No distance to any other scene of action has been specified, other than the fact it is quite near to a river. In the near future, they'll probably wrap up their talk and look into what's next, splitting ways or going at it in a group. If you want to come in kicking through doors though, you gotta remember you are busting into a gang hideout, more or less. With police grade weapons, a definite numbers advantage and all that. Exercise caution.