[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/glam-queen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180910/0e6485462948fca05685ef2543f626b2.png[/img][/url][/center] [Center][img]http://magicartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/f47915b1a6bef545bc5a378396d44e77.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][i]"Why don't we play a game of cat and mouse?"[/i][/center] [Center]☆ [b]Age[/b]: 32 ☆ [B]Gender[/b]: Female ☆ [B]Power Descriptions[/b]: No powers ☆ [B]Skills[/b]: [List]•Hand to hand combat •Can use knives and Daggers as well as an assortment of guns •Surprisingly, is a decent cook •Knows first aid [/list] ☆ [B]Personality[/b]: Evelyn isn't one of those mercenary types thats always hard and cold as stone. She loves to laugh and have fun, make jokes and is sarcastic as Hell. However, when she's out in the shit, she's more level headed and rational. She hates taking orders from anyone she doesn't trust... And her trust isn't so easily given away. ☆ [B]Biography[/b]: Evelyn was born in Dallas, Texas to Sophie and Dylan Sanderson. Shortly after her birth, they gave her to their drug dealer as payment for their bill. She grew up a pretty normal life unaware that her parents had given her up. She had friends and did good in school. While she was in middle school, she discovered that her ‘parents’ sold drugs. And not just to petty druggies; not all the time, anyways. They sold drugs to bigger fish. Evelyn kept this secret to herself, and even went so far as to try some of it. That had been a mistake that would actually save her life later. A mistake that would make her better than any of her parents. Evelyn had demolished the house. Afterwards, she had taken one of the many pistols kept in the house and walked down the streets. She never hurt anyone, and got picked up by the police. This was when she found out that her parents, weren't really her parents. Evelyn got sent to Juvie for several years, an experience that also changed her. Many of the other girls beat her up, and after a while, she got sick of it. She was not going to end up like the people her parents sold drugs to. She was not going to be a victim anymore. That's when she started fighting back. There was even several girls that befriended her and helped her. After the next girl tried to beat Evelyn up, she was sent to the infirmary. Evelyn got punished, yes, but none of the other girls picked on her anymore after that. After she got out, she lived homeless for several years, when another day changed her life. Evelyn pick pocketed a man (something she did regularly to survive), only to later find out that he had been in the military. Filled with guilt, she immediately returned this wallet and apologized. The man, Roger Williams, bought the girl a decent meal, and they even spoke for for while. She learned that he was retired and was now a mercenary. Evelyn immediately showed interest and tried talking him into letting her be one. He refused, saying that it was no life for a woman. Eventually, she convinced him, and he took her under his wing. He taught her everything he knew. Hand to hand, knives, a multitude of weapons. By the time she was 27, she was one deadly woman. And although she was a mercenary, she was a mercenary with morals and a conscious. ☆ [B]Likes[/b]: Music, sweets, the smell of gun powder, liquor, dancing, smoking ☆ [B]Dislikes[/b]: Obnoxious people, beer, injustice, bugs that fly ☆ [B]Fears[/b]: Complete darkness, failing, heights ☆ [B]Weaknesses[/b]: The innocent, children, animals (mainly kitty's) ☆ [B]Theme Song[/b]: [url=https://youtu.be/fFuQfcAbCIA ]"No Tears Left to Cry"[/url][/center]