Evelyn rubbed her cheek with her palm, the dried blood there itching like mad. She groaned and rolled her eyes, knowing she'd need a long shower to get that shit off. And her clothes? God that would take even longer. That was one thing she hated about her job... the clean up afterwards. Which, some jobs weren't as messy, while others... Christ. It looks like she bathed in blood. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and ran her fingers through her hair. Tangles galore. She stepped off of the frigate she hitched a ride in, a d low and behold, as soon as she stepped off, there was a tavern. She smiled like a fat kid who just caught sight of a chocolate. Without hesitation, she walked up to it and went inside. Still, without stopping, she went up to the bar and plopped in a stool, dropping her bag on the floor next to her. "Excuse me," she called out softly, not wanting to bother other patrons.