Jessie and James did not recognize the name "Archer". Wobbafett popped out of his ball and agreed with them on not having heard of him. James commented that he might be so high up in Team Rocket that only the executives get to know about him. It felt as though it was a plausable enough reason. Unknown to Team Rocket, while this discussion was going on, a figure had quickly moved from the door to a nearby couch, and was reading a newspaper. Liam had the feeling that the figure was watching them, and thought it might be someone working for Veronica's father trying to spy on them. Liam was ready to force the battle outside if needed. The light above the OR door turned off, and Joy wheeled a gurnie out that Mareanie was on, while Meowth walked beside Joy. "Good news. Meowth and Mareanie are prefectly fine." Joy said with a smile. "Thank you!" Jessie and James called out. Mareanie leapt up and latched onto James' head while Wobbafett, while crying tears of joy hugged Meowth. The figure with the paper moved, proving to be a Bewear. It swiftly grabbed the villians and dashed out of the Center, barely giving the automatic doors enough time to open.