[center][h1][color=7ea7d8]Raugar[/color][/h1][/center] Raugar peered intensely at the wraith. He could sense that it was indeed undead, something he was normally called upon to destroy wherever he encountered it, but in the walls of the temple he could also see written the truth of it's words. This was a hallowed place, untouched by the corruption outside, and it was likely this mysterious guardian who kept it so. Lowering his weapon, he turned and closed the doors as requested, shutting out the ravaging rain and other horrors. [color=7ea7d8]"Then I thank you spirit, for the hospitality of your church."[/color] he said, allowing himself to relax a little now that the immediate danger had passed. Seating himself on one of the pews, he removed a cloth from his pack and proceeded to wipe down his blade methodically, as he turned his attention to the next point of interest: his new companions, who still seemed mostly on guard against their strange host. Now that the fight was over he found himself evaluating his next move. They had earned shelter here, but in the morning it would be time to move on. The question was, did he want these three to accompany him? Their trustworthiness was questionable, but they had made short work of the troglodytes together. His lip curled in mild amusement at Angus's brazen descriptions of them. He might have looked down on the unsophisticated barbarian, but he had proved his might in battle, and so earned the dragonborn's respect. [color=7ea7d8]"I am Raugar, a paladin of the Serrated Spikes. I am here, as I assume the rest of you are, to plunder Nurn."[/color] he said, introducing himself to the group. [color=7ea7d8]"I know little of you, but you fight well. I have no doubt our bounty would be manyfold what we could muster alone if we work together. I propose an alliance. Which of you will conquer Nurn with me?"[/color] [hider=Mechanics] Divine Sense expires. [/hider]