[h2]Saber of Black[/h2] The Ainsworth meeting hall wasn't bad. Perhaps a bit ostentatious with the draperies, but it seemed a suitable place for co-ordinating a war. Even the final hall approaching it had aimed to build up the grandeur, with rows of posed armour to build expectations. Rows of armour that now lacked their weapons, all stacked knightly in a pile behind the knight aside from a single blade held to symbolise his class. Perhaps unfortunate for the decoration, but it would be unfair of him to expect his Master to shoulder the burden of his true sword for the entire war. Of course, the room was quite empty for now, with only the knight and his Master occupying it. Saber's eyes briefly flicked down to where the girl was seated at the long table with her stuffed dragon, before turning back to watch the doors. What kind of people the Ainsworth were that they would force a child to be a Master in this... but there was nothing that he could do about it now apart from keep her safe. It would be easy to take her and run but eventually the war would end, and it was unlikely that he could remain in the world beyond that. Leaving a child on their own like that... They would have to win the war. Maybe by the end, better care could be arranged. Though it seemed that their isolation was over and the others arriving, as Caster and her Master had arrived now, and Saber inclined his head towards them. [hr] [h2]Illyasviel von Einzbern[/h2] "It was a good thing we could find that suit before everything closed," the white-haired girl said, looking over her shoulder at the Servant she had summoned--and barely able to dress before they needed to be around to see what her younger brother would manage to pull. A Servant that was unable to dematerialise might be something of a liability in the long run... but there was no doubt that this one was strong enough to turn the balance regardless. King Arthur summoned in the strongest class? Command seals could make up for the limitations of a physical form and she was otherwise without drawbacks. For instance, she didn't seem to have a tight bodysuit and no armour. Assassin, maybe? Though bright blue wasn't a stealthy colour... [hr] [h2]Astra[/h2] So far, being a Master sucked. Not that there wasn't an appeal in getting paid for--mostly--standing around and letting legendary figures do all the heavy lifting, but it wasn't mentioned just how [i]disagreeable[/i] the Servant would be. Just... how this mountain of muscle was who he claimed to be was one question but his ego was [i]quite[/i] another. "Yeah, Astra reporting with Rider," the mage said, slipping in behind him and clarifying [i]which[/i] class they'd summoned. Someone was probably keeping track.