Hana watched Wheel demonstrate how to fire a musket, the process of tearing the paper pouch that held the powder, tamping in the ball. She shouldered the heavy gun, keeping it steady as she pulled the trigger. The sparks and thunderous racket it made weren't very shocking for her. After all, sparks and loud sounds were a mages bread and butter. She was a surprisingly quick study, and got the hang of firing and reloading without too much difficulty. She hit the target once or twice, which wasn't bad either. The pistol was easier for her to hold, and she smiled when she struck the target her second try. Wheel stopped her once, adjusting her stance with a nudge of a knee. He seemed pleased watching them, and would occasionally pack and fire a musket with deadly precision. He outshot Pieter, whose skill he recognized with something approaching deference, Hana noticed. It didn't seem that he ever struggled with anything- if he could do it, he'd do it with a slouching excellence. He had a small smile on his face, and cracked a few dirty jokes with Uban which made her flush when she heard them. The sun was rather pretty off the sea, a dark blue that glinted and foamed white. Then the target became Rio, and she struggled to swing the musket around to track the Cyradan. She hissed when the already quick moving dragon became a sparrow, and shrank even further in size. At that point, she was firing blindly into the air. Still, she kept at it, since it was rather fun. The dragon landed, claws tearing up the turf. "Alright, Master Wheel. What next?" The berserker lit his cigarette, shaking the match out and tossing it behind his back. Smoke trickled out of his mouth as he smiled. He had an easy conversational tone. He expected to be listened to, and was pleased when he was. "Berlin, Uban. Hana, Pieter. Ro and me." He pointed to each as he rattled off the pairs. "Berlin, Uban. Work with cutlasses Don't kill someone again, but see if you can light up that sword, Uban. Pieter, teach Hana how to kill with that stave of hers. And the little shit is going to learn how to fight even with a hunk of iron in his ass. Training armor is over there. It's a waste not to use it." He watched as the crew took their dulled training weapons and put on the heavy leather aprons and smithy gloves that passed as armor. He made sure each group started their training with proper focus. Berlin and Uban would fight, and when a safe distance from Berlin, would try to send lightning up the blade. Pieter was showing Hana how to strike with a staff, and defend from sword strokes. Finally, he turned to Rohaan. "Alright. If you're going to do this, you can't transform. Not to get bigger muscles, not to turn into a bear. You need to fight right, and I'll teach you how." He held up his own dulled dagger. "Now watch how I stab, and repeat what I do. After that I'll show you a parry, and we'll work on those together."