[hr][center][@Lauder][@Bishop][@Goldmarble][@DeadDrop][@Dnafein][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180829/2dbe0e75feb9260216d92ed415b25d3d.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [center][h1]Friction[/h1][/center] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DPKtgdoDBZY/UsV8UsymYMI/AAAAAAAAh-0/_r_jHC233Y4/s1600/Jennifer+Nigri+(3).jpg]Cypress[/url] knew that Trinity City was one of the most Gamma populated places on Earthe but the money was too good to pass up so here she was working for the Mindo Brothers a Gamma Gang that starred the two Mindo brothers Frank who went by Acid and his twin Larry aka. Ghoster. They had two tanks who went by Mandy and Bart one was maybe 95 IQ and the other 70 and followed by a Speedster named Willy aka. Booster whose talent was the get-a-away because he could impart his hyperspeed to whatever vehicle he drove. She normally didn’t take jobs in the states because of the rabid NABs that made life hard for her but the bros had paid her a meg up front, promised two on completion and even agreed to a quarter each for any Gamma she might need to take down. Born Cypress hecate Mara Friction had tried to be a good girl and even joined up with interpol in Germany but an overly handsy creep of a unit commander had pissed her off so bad she’d stopped his heart accidentally because she hadn’t yeat Mastered the Friction Force that she controlled. The worst thing was that the bastard had survived and the courts had let him off with counseling and she’d got 3 years in the Bastille a high tech lockup for her kind. Like other young Gamma she’d been offered a chance to return to civic duty under probation but she was too pissed at her unjust loss of three years of her life. She’d jumped watch even managing to find an eraser in some little backwater of Asia who for a price had muddled her tracks against the Tracers back in Europe and she’d never looked back. [center]______[/center] The two brothers had done their parts with the lockup but were blocked by the WW Vault and door. They had already tripped an alarm and the countdown was at 2:18 minutes before the T-city NABs busted in; it was her turn. Friction walked up to the better than 40 ton door and was examining the frictional forces before exerting herself when one of the Muscle heads spoke saying “Don’t know why we need Blondie, I could smash the vault open in 3 hits tops” Turning on the idiot she smiled [color=de3163]”This is a WW 4792 Transialloy door that would convert your kinetic energy to harden itself just like the bracelets the NABs would slap on you for being a moron”[/color] Then before she turned her back on him the Baka tried to take a swing at her that ended in his busting his ass and dropping his partner on the short bus when she made the soles of his boots frictionless. The Mindo’s jumped in and told the two tanks to settle down because they’d all come here for their powers and how they could help achieve their goals. Bored and knowing the clock was ticking Cypress turned back to her work and began tapping the door lightly so it didn’t detect any kinetic energy beyond that capable by a Baseline as she watched the frictional forces go to work. It took her all of 35 seconds to make the door fall apart as it like all things mechanical could stay together without friction while being vibrated. Inside was their prize a shipment of rare elements being held for the Starchild corp. [hr][center][h1]Meanwhile back at the Sundeck[/h1][/center][hr] Wendy walked into the nearly empty comasairy tent and had a seat at one of the tables where just for a giggle she made a place setting of crystal that shimmered in the indirect light along with platinum flatware. [b][color=20b2aa]”Please have a seat and Kat quit hovering on the periphery and have a seat and help me with emotional support”[/color][/b] she said; the last more because she liked Kat and though her timid nature needed a bit of cultivating and she honestly didn’t like feeling so much the center of attention While everyone had a seat she made a small hand motion which signaled the servers to begin setting the table with a buffet of all the food that was going to be wasted while the Producers and Directors went ape over how they were going to handle the days events. Then she looked at Tyko then at Dorian saying [b][color=20b2aa]”So I take it you two are the leads in the investigation but judging by the way you both showed up neither of you have worked together before”[/color][/b] She knew instantly that she was right by their reactions then turned to the two Healers [b][color=20b2aa]I’d love the two of you to join us in anything you’d like and because I don’t believe in coincidences; this was made to bring us together for one reason or another[/color][/b]