[center][color=darkgreen][b][u]2:39 AM; January 9th, 2026 A back alley in Hell's Corner; Hub City, Illinois[/u][/b][/color][/center] He broke the thug's nose with a vicious right hook, continuing to wail on him for no reason other than his own satisfaction. The bastard deserved it. Question was disgusted by a lot of crimes, but rape - rape was the thing that disgusted him the most. By the time he was done he was sure he had at the very least given the man a concussion. At the most? He might've fractured his skull. Question stood up, giving the would be rapist one last kick as he did so. He tried to take in a deep breath, but ended up coughing violently. He pounded a bit on his chest to clear it up. Probably had a cold or something, he [i]had[/i] been going out really late at night these days, and it was just getting colder and colder. Hrm. Further proof global warming is a myth, fabricated by the government in order to keep the population fearful of something they can't control... He shook his head. Those thoughts were useless to him, just the inane babbling of a mad man. This only meant one thing: it was wearing off. He could feel the chi within him fading. He was slipping back into Oscar. That couldn't happen, not now, Oscar was weak, he didn't have what it took to do this, Oscar wasn't good enough, he never was, he never will be, he can't be Oscar [i]he can't be Oscar he can't be he can't he can't can't can't can'tcan'tcan'tcantcantcantcantcantca-[/i] The phone in his pocket rang. Oscar ([i]he can't be Oscar[/i]) pulled it out, taking a look at the caller ID. He nearly dropped the phone in surprise. It was Shams. He had to blink to make sure he wasn't imagining it, but no, it was her, she was calling him, right now... She was calling him. He had a feeling this was some... Some sick joke, maybe it was an accident, she wouldn't call him, not after... Not after what happened. He blinked again. Her name was still there. Hesitantly, he pressed the answer call button. [color=darkgreen][b]"Shams?"[/b][/color] he said, trying to fight back the bit of hope creeping into his voice.